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In recognition of existing large parcels where a limitation on office square footage per lot would be proportionally inappropriate, to accommodate office space for activities that require space outside of downtown, to provide affordable office space to small firms and organizations which may be engaged in incubator businesses and microenterprises, and to accommodate office space in relation to the agglomeration of internal, telecommunications and related utility uses in the immediate area, there shall be a Design and Development Special Use District applied to certain portions of the South Basin area west of Third Street, and to parcels on Third Street near the intersections of Cargo Way, Custer Avenue, Davidson Avenue, Evans Avenue, and Egbert Avenue, as shown on Sectional Map 10 SU of the Zoning Map. The following provisions shall apply within such special use district:
(a) Except as described below, the specific use definitions and controls for PDR-1 and PDR-2 Districts, as detailed in the District's Zoning Control Table, shall apply to lots within this Design and Development SUD, including the accessory use provisions contained in Section 204.3 of this Code.
(b) Any Office use is permitted, limited to a floor area ratio of 0.25 of gross floor area to 1 square foot of lot area notwithstanding the office use size limitations of the PDR-2 District. In no case shall office use be limited to less than the size allowed in a PDR-2 District as detailed in the District's Zoning Control Table; nor shall it exceed a total of 50,000 square feet of gross floor area per lot.
(c) An Office use above the amount permitted in Section 249.35B(b) of this Code is permitted provided that it shall be limited to the following activities:
(1) design activities, including but not limited to architectural, graphic, interior, product, and industrial design;
(2) Business Service as defined in Section 102 of this Code;
(3) ancillary office activities related to internet, telecommunications, electronic networking or data storage service and maintenance;
(4) digital media and arts.
(d) For all Office use square footage greater than the amount permitted under 249.35B(b), a Notice of Special Restriction shall be executed by the Zoning Administrator and recorded in the Office of the County Recorder, specifying that the office activities are limited to the uses permitted under Planning Code Section 249.35B(c).
(e) For all Office use square footage greater than the amount permitted under 249.35B(b) of this Code, each individual business shall be limited to 5,000 square feet of gross floor area.
(f) Off-street parking spaces shall be provided in the minimum amounts as follows:
(2) for office uses permitted under Section 249.35B(c), 1 space for every 2,500 square feet of occupied floor area.
(Added by Ord. 99-08, File No. 080339, App. 6/11/2008; amended by Ord. 22-15, File No. 141253, App. 2/20/2015, Eff. 3/22/2015)
Divisions (a), (b), and (c)(2) amended; Ord. 22-15, Eff. 3/22/2015.
Editor's Note:
This section originally was designated 249.34 when enacted by Ord. 72-08 and was redesignated by the editor in order to avoid conflicting with previously existing material. This section subsequently has been amended under its current number, as documented in the history note above.
This section originally was designated 249.34 when enacted by Ord. 72-08 and was redesignated by the editor in order to avoid conflicting with previously existing material. This section subsequently has been amended under its current number, as documented in the history note above.