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(a) Purpose. There shall be a special use district known as the Third Street Special Use District, as designated on Sectional Map No. SU10 of the Zoning Map of the City and County of San Francisco, encompassing the commercially and industrially zoned property fronting Third Street from Cesar Chavez Street to Meade Avenue. The purpose of this special use district is to enhance the social and economic vitality of Third Street as the primary neighborhood commercial district for the Bayview Hunters Points area and encourage a healthier mix of essential neighborhood-serving retail uses and by allowing for drive-up facilities as a conditional use.
(b) Controls.
(A) The restaurant does not form a part of any continuous retail frontage (defined for purposes of this Subsection as two or more buildings which contain commercial uses and which have a continuous façade line at street level unbroken by any driveway, alley or walkway having a width greater than five feet;
(B) The restaurant is located on a lot that:
(i) Adjoins three city streets,
(ii) Is not within 500 foot walking distance of an elementary or secondary school; and
(C) The restaurant has sufficient off-street queuing space for at least eight cars and has off-street parking as required in Article 1.5 of this Code; and
(D) The proposed building massing and site planning is designed to complement the urban character of the street and respect pedestrian access along Third Street; and
(E) To the extent feasible, the project provides for additional residential development and/or other land use activities on the site.
(Added by Ord. 349-95, App. 11/3/95; amended by Ord. 67-03, File No. 021338, App. 4/18/2003; Ord. 22-15, File No. 141253, App. 2/20/2015, Eff. 3/22/2015)
Divisions (a) and (b)(1) amended; Ord. 22-15, Eff. 3/22/2015.