(A)   Any person against whom an order is issued or directed by the Commission shall have a right to seek review of the Commission’s order by trial de nova, in the county’s Magistrate Court.
   (B)   Where any person or owner refuses to comply with an order issued by the Commission within ten days following the effective day of the order, then and in that event the Commission shall submit and file a written report of the complaint or complaints, and the proceedings had thereon with the City Prosecutor as a basis for the issuance of a criminal complaint against such person or owner and the prosecution thereunder in the same manner as violations of other criminal ordinances are prosecuted. The person aggrieved shall make, sign, and swear to the complaint before the City Prosecutor.
   (C)   Continuance of an alleged unfair housing practice on any day or days during the pendency of a hearing before the county’s Magistrate Court during a subsequent appeal to a higher court shall not constitute an offense for the purpose of this subchapter.
   (D)   In the event that the Commission finds that a violation of this subchapter will result from a pending or threatened sale or transfer which violates this subchapter as contemplated herein, said Commission, by and through the Attorney, shall have the right to apply to the District Court of the State to enjoin such pending or threatened transfer or sale. Such action shall be predicated upon:
      (1)   Finding by the Commission that the person aggrieved will be irreparably injured unless the court issues such order; and
      (2)   That said person aggrieved has no adequate remedy at law.
(Prior Code, § 2-3-7) (Ord. 74-426, passed 8-21-1974)