For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   COMMISSION. The Fair Housing Commission established by this chapter.
   DWELLING. Any building, structure or portion thereof which is occupied as, or designed or intended for occupancy as, a residence by one or more families, and any vacant land which is offered for sale or lease for the construction or location thereon of any such building, structure or portion thereof.
   DWELLING UNIT. A suite of rooms for occupancy by one family containing space for living, sleeping and preparation of food, and containing toilet and bathing facilities.
   HOUSING ACCOMMODATIONS. Shall include any dwelling house, building, apartment, dwelling unit or other structure, facility, lot or parcel of land in the city which is used or intended to be used for the accommodation of one or more human beings, and shall include rooming units in dwellings or boarding houses.
   LENDER. Banks, insurance companies, savings or building and loan associations, credit unions, trust companies, mortgage companies or other persons engaged wholly or partly in the business of lending money for the financing or acquisition, construction, repair or maintenance of a housing accommodation.
   MANAGER. A person who operates, manages, controls, has charge of or has the right of management or control over housing accommodations on behalf of another, but does not own housing accommodations.
   OWNER. A person who owns a housing accommodation.
   PERSON AGGRIEVED. Any person against whom any alleged unfair housing practice has been committed.
   PERSONS. One or more individuals, partnerships or other organizations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy and receivers.
   PROSPECTIVE BORROWER. A person who seeks to borrow money to finance the acquisition, construction, repair or maintenance of a housing accommodation.
   PROSPECTIVE OCCUPANT. A person who seeks to purchase, lease, rent or sublease a housing accommodation.
   REAL ESTATE AGENT, SALESPERSON or EMPLOYEE. Any person employed by a real estate broker to perform or assist in the performance of any or all of the functions of a real estate broker.
   REAL ESTATE BROKER. Any person who, for a fee, commission or other valuable consideration, lists for sale, sells, purchases, exchanges, leases or subleases or negotiates or offers or attempts to negotiate the sale, purchase, exchange, lease, rent or sublease of a housing accommodation of another, or hold himself or herself out as engaged in the business of selling, purchasing, exchanging, listing, leasing, renting or subleasing of a housing accommodation of another, or collects the rental for the use of a housing accommodation of another.
   RESPONDENT. Any person who is alleged to have committed an unfair housing practice.
   ROOM or ROOMING UNITS. Includes individual sleeping rooms with or without private bath in a home, boarding house or rooming house. A room in which two or more persons sleep constitutes a single ROOM or ROOMING UNIT.
   SEX. Refers to gender, male or female.
   UNFAIR HOUSING PRACTICE. Any act prohibited by this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 2-3-2) (Ord. 74-426, passed 8-21-1974)