A. The term of an adult-related establishment permit shall expire on September 30th next following the issuance of the permit, unless sooner suspended or revoked. Fees for issuance of the permit shall not be prorated.
B. A permit which has not been suspended or revoked may be renewed for the period specified in subsection A of this section, on written application to the chief of police. The application shall be filed at least one hundred twenty (120) days but not more than one hundred fifty (150) days prior to the expiration date of the current valid permit. The applicant shall follow all the procedures and provide all of the information required by Section 5.04.030 of this chapter and verify the application according to Section 5.04.070 of this chapter. The chief of police and city manager shall process the application according to Sections 5.04.080 and 5.04.090 of this chapter. (Prior code § 28.06.072)
A. The term of an escort permit shall expire on September 30 next following the issuance of the permit, unless sooner suspended or revoked. Fees for the issuance of the permit shall not be prorated.
B. A permit that has not been suspended or revoked may be renewed for the period specified in subsection (A) above, on written application to the chief of police. The application shall be filed at least 90 days but not more than 120 days prior to the expiration date of the current valid permit. The applicant shall follow all of the procedures and provide all of the information required by section 5.04.060, and verify the application according to section 5.04.070. The chief of police and city manager shall process the application according to sections 5.04.080 and 5.04.090. (Ord. 2021-0016 § 10; Ord. 2001-040 § 9; prior code § 28.06.073)
A. Any permit issued for an adult-related establishment may be revoked or suspended by the city manager, after a hearing, in any case where any of the provisions of this chapter are violated, when the permittee, operator, or any employee of the permittee or operator, including an escort or figure model, has engaged in conduct which violates any state law or city ordinance at the adult-related establishment and the operator or permittee knew or, with the exercise of reasonable diligence should have known of such violations at the time they occurred, or in any case, where the operator refuses to permit any duly authorized city police officer or health inspector of the county to inspect the premises or the operations therein during the hours such premises are open for business. Such permit may also be revoked or suspended after hearing when such business is being managed, conducted or maintained without regard for the public health or health of patrons or customers or without due regard to proper sanitation and hygiene.
B. The city manager shall hold a public hearing prior to the revocation or suspension of any permit under subsection A of this section. The permittee shall be given at least ten (10) days notice in writing of such hearing, which notice shall contain a brief statement of the grounds to be relied upon for suspending or revoking the permit.
C. The decision of the city manager shall be in writing and shall be mailed postage prepaid to the permittee. (Ord. 2021-0016 § 12; prior code § 28.06.076)
After following the procedure in section 5.04.160.B, the city manager may revoke or suspend an escort permit for conviction of any of the crimes specified in section 5.04.100. The decision of the city manager shall be in writing and shall be mailed postage prepaid to the escort. (Ord. 2021-0016 § 13; Ord. 2001-040 § 10; prior code § 28.06.077)
Any permittee aggrieved by the decision of the city manager in suspending or revoking a permit may, within 10 days after the date such decision is mailed to the permittee, appeal to the council by filing a written notice thereof with the city clerk. During the pendency of the appeal to the council, the permit shall remain in effect. If such appeal is not taken within 10 days, the decision of the city manager shall be final. The appeal shall be noticed, set for hearing, heard and determined in the manner prescribed in section 5.04.110. (Ord. 2021-0016 § 14; Ord. 2001-040 § 11; prior code § 28.06.078)