Chapter 3.56
Article I. In General
3.56.010   Definitions.
3.56.020   Determination of lowest-responsible bidder.
3.56.030   Contract splitting prohibited.
3.56.040   Administrative procedures.
3.56.050   Prohibition against collusion.
3.56.060   Unauthorized contracts.
3.56.070   Transition employment periods for displaced janitors.
3.56.075   Procurement requirements for recovered organic mulch and paper.
Article II. Contracts
3.56.080   Authority of city manager.
3.56.090   Award of contracts by city council.
Article III. Solicitation
3.56.120   When competitive bidding is required.
3.56.130   Independent price determination.
3.56.140   Forms.
3.56.150   Security.
3.56.160   Opening of bids and proposals—Awards.
3.56.170   Re-advertisement or alternative award.
3.56.180   Disposition of security.
3.56.190   Faithful performance bonds.
3.56.210   Time of completion.
3.56.220   Failure of completion.
Article IV. Exceptions to Competitive Bidding
3.56.230   Generally.
3.56.240   Cooperative purchasing.
3.56.250   Purchase of surplus goods.
3.56.260   Emergency purchases.
Article V. Contracts for Official Advertising
3.56.270   Contracts.
3.56.280   Official newspaper.
Article VI. Protests
3.56.290   Protest policies.
3.56.300   Grounds for protest.
3.56.310   Time for filing a protest.
3.56.320   Form of protest.
3.56.330   Protest fee.
3.56.340   Consideration of protest.
Article VII. Debarment of Contractors
3.56.350   Application.
3.56.360   Debarment—Effect.
3.56.370   Notice.
3.56.380   Grounds for debarment.
3.56.390   Determination of grounds.
3.56.400   Scope of debarment.
3.56.410   Period of debarment.
3.56.420   Debarment procedures.
3.56.430   Appeal of a debarment decision.
3.56.440   Requirement to submit information.
3.56.450   Doing business with debarred person.
3.56.460   Renewal of existing contracts.
3.56.470   List of debarred persons.