3.56.260   Emergency purchases.
   A.   For purchases that do not individually exceed $250,000, the city manager may execute contracts or other purchasing documents, subject to approval as to form by the city attorney, without advertising for bids or proposals, when public interest and necessity demand immediate action, repair, or replacement to safeguard life, health, or property; to permit the continued conduct of city operations or services; or to mitigate further damage.
   B.   Following any purchase authorized by this section, the city manager shall present a report to the city council, at the next available meeting of the council, describing the emergency, the actions taken, and the number and value of contracts executed.
   C.   When public interest and necessity demand immediate action, repair, or replacement to safeguard life, health, or property, to permit the continued conduct of city operations or services, or to mitigate further damage, and the cost is estimated to exceed $250,000, the city manager may immediately execute a contract, subject to approval as to form by the city attorney, to initiate the necessary emergency services without advertising for bids or proposals. At the next available council meeting, the city manager shall present a report as outlined above and include the additional remedial actions required, and the total estimated costs. The council may contract for the additional emergency services or authorize the city manager to negotiate and execute change orders to the original contract or execute additional contracts within limits then established by the city council. (Ord. 2024-0010 § 4)