3.56.230   Generally.
   The restrictions and provisions of this chapter requiring the award of contracts by competitive bidding shall not apply to the following:
   A.   Any transaction where maintenance, remodel, or repair work is to be performed by city employees.
   B.   When, after advertising for bids as required in this chapter, no valid bids are received.
   C.   When, after receiving bids, the city rejects all of the bids.
   D.   When the bidder to whom an award is made fails to enter into the contract as required and the city does not make an award to the next lowest-responsible bidder, as provided in this chapter.
   E.   When, upon a two-thirds vote of the city council or the approval of the city manager, consistent with the thresholds in sections 3.56.080 and 3.56.090 of this chapter, it is determined that it is in the best interests of the city to suspend competitive bidding or utilize an alternative method of procurement for any contract.
   F.   When any contract is entered into pursuant to or under any special assessment proceedings in which competitive bidding policies are specified by laws of the state of California.
   G.   Purchases pursuant to sections 3.56.240, 3.56.250, and 3.56.260. (Ord. 2024-0010 § 4)