17.916.030   Interim ordinances.
   A.   Interim ordinances. Except as provided in subsection B of this section, the city council may adopt an interim ordinance imposing additional or alternative processes, rules, regulations, requirements, or prohibitions on any permits or uses that are the subject of a contemplated general plan, specific plan, transit village plan, or zoning amendment or regulation that the city council or the planning agency is considering or studying or intends to consider or study within a reasonable time. Adoption of the interim ordinance under this section shall not be subject to the procedures otherwise required for adoption of an amendment to this title, including noticed public hearings before the planning and design commission and the city council. The interim ordinance may be adopted as an emergency measure under subsection g.2 of section 32 of the city charter or as a regular ordinance.
   B.   Interim ordinances prohibiting uses. The city council may adopt an interim ordinance, as either an emergency measure under subsection g.2 of section 32 of the city charter or as a regular ordinance, prohibiting any use that may be in conflict with a contemplated general plan, specific plan, transit village plan, or zoning amendment or regulation that the city council or the planning agency is considering or studying or intends to consider or study within a reasonable time. Adoption of the interim ordinance under this section shall not be subject to the procedures otherwise required for adoption of an amendment to this title, including noticed public hearings before the planning and design commission and the city council, and shall be subject to section 65858 of the Government Code. (Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)