12.14.020   Definitions.
   The following definitions apply in this chapter:
   "Antenna" means a device used to transmit or receive electromagnetic waves for personal wireless services. "Antenna" does not include broadcast antennas, antennas designed for amateur radio use, or satellite dishes designed for residential or household purposes.
   "Applicant" means an entity with legal authority to construct, install, modify, co-locate, relocate, or otherwise deploy personal wireless service facilities.
   "Base station" has the same meaning as in 47 CFR § 1.6100(b)(1).
   "City asset" means an improvement, personal property, fixture, or equipment owned by the city and located on city-owned property and includes city lighting, poles, or similar equipment.
   "City manager" means the city manager or designee.
   "City-owned property" means real property owned, rented, or leased by the city, or property the city has the right to use or occupy by virtue of an easement, license, or other similar interest in property, including public right-of-way.
   "Co-locate" means to install telecommunication facilities, of the same or different telecommunications providers, together on the same tower, pole, or other structure.
   "Director" means the public works director or designee.
   "FCC" means the Federal Communications Commission.
   "Macro-cell facility" means equipment for sending or receiving radio signals over a longer range, including telecommunications towers, transmitters, or other communications equipment.
   "Personal wireless services" has the same meaning as in 47 USC §332(c)(7)(C).
   "Public right-of-way" means the areas within the city that are across, beneath, in, on, over, under, along and within the public streets, roads, sidewalks, and alleys, and includes public utility easements dedicated to the city.
   "Section 6409(a)" means section 6409(a) of the Middle-Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act, Pub. L. No. 112- 96, 126 Stat. 156 (Feb. 22, 2012), codified as 47 USC § 1455(a) and implemented pursuant to 47 CFR § 1.6100.
   "Site" has the same meaning as in 47 CFR § 1.6100(b)(6).
   "Small-cell facility" means equipment that meets the definition of "small wireless facility" in 47 CFR §1.6002(l) and is categorically exempt under section 15303 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines (14 CCR § 15303).
   "Substantial change" has the same meaning as in 47 CFR § 1.6100(b)(7).
   "Telecommunications facility" means a macro-cell facility, small-cell facility, or other facility designed for the provision of cellular telephone communications and other wireless services.
   "Telecommunication facility standards" means the standards in section 12.14.040, subsection A, and additional standards adopted by the director pursuant to section 12.14.040, subsection B.
   "Telecommunications provider" means a provider of cellular telephone or other wireless services.
   "Tower" has the same meaning as in 47 CFR § 1.6100(b)(9).
   "Transmission equipment" has the same meaning as in 47 CFR § 1.6100(b)(8).
   "Unlicensed wireless service" has the same meaning as in 47 USC § 332(c)(7)(C)(iii). (Ord. 2020-0018 § 2)