12.14.040   Telecommunication facility standards.
   A.   General telecommunication facility standards.
      1.   Small-cell facilities must have subdued colors and non-reflective materials that blend with the materials and colors of the surrounding area and structures.
      2.   Small-cell facilities must be the smallest and least intrusive designs that are technically feasible, as determined by the director, consistent with federal regulations.
   B.   The director may develop and publish on the city's website additional telecommunication facility standards, consistent with the standards set forth in subsection A and the purposes set forth in section 12.14.010. The director may update and alter such telecommunication facility standards as necessary.
   C.   No permit will be granted for any telecommunications facility that does not meet the telecommunication facility standards, the requirements of this code, and state and federal law. (Ord. 2020-0018 § 2)