Article I . In General
12.12.010 Definitions.
12.12.020 Encroachment permit required-Except emergencies.
12.12.030 Application requirements.
12.12.040 Permit-Issuance.
12.12.050 Compliance with safety regulations.
12.12.060 Cleaning up streets.
12.12.070 Failure to complete work within specified time.
12.12.080 All work to be under supervision of the director.
12.12.090 Blanket permits.
12.12.100 Liability of city.
12.12.110 Additional requirements.
12.12.120 Enforcement.
Article II . Additional Requirements for Excavations
12.12.130 Permit requirements for excavations.
12.12.140 Permit-Requirements.
12.12.150 Restoration of pavement.
12.12.160 Opening, backfilling and paving trenches.
12.12.170 Repair of sunken pavement over excavation.
12.12.180 Newly-constructed or resurfaced streets—moratorium period.
12.12.190 Coordination of excavations.
12.12.200 Appeal of director's decision-Protest of trench cut cost recovery fee.
Article III . Utility Facilities
12.12.210 Purpose.
12.12.220 Permits and approvals.
12.12.230 Use of streets-Interference, appearance and accessibility.
12.12.240 Restoration of public right-of-way.
12.12.250 Erection of poles or structures for overhead cables, wires or lines.
12.12.260 Undergrounding.
12.12.270 Removal following termination or dissolution of permittee.
12.12.280 Acquisition by successor permittee.
12.12.290 Maintenance and repair.