5.28.2360   Enforcement.
   Any director of public works of the county or cities who determines that within his or her jurisdiction a licensee has committed an act or omission in violation of any of the provisions of Sections 5.28.2270 through 5.28.2350 of this chapter shall be authorized to mail written notice of the violation to the licensee.
   Not later than seven calendar days following the mailing of such notice the licensee shall be authorized to file an appeal with the clerk of the governing body of the county or cities by whom the director of public works is employed. The licensee shall also file a copy of the notice in the office of the director of public works. The governing body shall hear the appeal, and shall be authorized to do so at its earliest convenience. The licensee shall be authorized to present oral and documentary evidence and cross-examine witnesses. Formal rules of evidence shall not be applicable.
   If no appeal is filed and within ten (10) calendar days following mailing of the notice the licensee has failed to correct the violation, or if an appeal is filed and within five calendar days following mailing to the licensee of an order by the governing body the licensee has failed to correct the violation through assignment of such task to his or her subordinate personnel or delegation of authority to take such corrective action to a public utility, public district, contract or other third party. In such event, the license shall be liable for the full amount of any charges made for such corrective action, any salary and benefit costs of any public employees assigned to take such corrective action, and the costs of material, supplies and goods utilized in taking such corrective action.
   The provision of this section shall not be construed to fix the date of a breach by a licensee of any of the provisions of this chapter at the prescribed period following mailing of the notice of violation, or to prevent a determination that a licensee has breached any of said sections in advance either of the ten (10) days following the mailed notice or in advance of mailing of the notice or any communication pursuant to this section to the licensee. Nor shall the provisions of this section be so construed as to relieve the licensee from liability for any damages which may arise out of and be proximately caused by breach by a licensee of any of the provisions of said provisions. (Ord. 2000-017 § 4(a)(15); prior code § 20.14.1330)