5.28.2290   Restoration of streets and private property.
   All disturbance by a licensee of pavement, sidewalk, driveways, landscaping or other surfacing of streets shall be restored, repaired or replaced by sidewalk, driveways, landscaping or other surfacing of streets shall be restored, repaired or replaced by the licensee at its sole cost in a manner approved by the director of public works and in compliance with general applicable ordinances of the agency vested with jurisdiction thereover, and in as good condition as before the disturbance occurred. To the extent practicable and reasonable, each licensee shall accommodate the desires of any property owner respecting location within easements or rights-of-way traversing private land of the property owner of above ground boxes or appurtenances constituting a part of the cable television system. Any disturbance of landscaping, fencing or other improvements upon private property, including private property traversed by easements or rights-of-way utilized by a licensee, shall, at the sole expense of the licensee, be promptly repaired or restored (including replacement of such valuables as shrubbery and fencing) to the reasonable satisfaction of the property owner as soon as possible. Each licensee shall, through authorized representatives, make a reasonable attempt to personally contact the occupants of all private property in advance of entering such property for the purpose of commencing any installation of elements of the system within easements or rights-of-way traversing such property. As used in this paragraph, the terms "easements" and "rights-of-way" do not include easements or rights-of-way for roadway purposes. (Prior code § 20.14.1316)