(A)   Class A licenses shall authorize the retail sale on the specified premises of alcoholic liquor at retail, and shall permit live entertainment on the premises. The annual fee for the license shall be $2,000.
   (B)   Class B licenses shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquor on the specified premises, but shall not permit live entertainment on the premises. The annual fee for the license shall be $1,250.
   (C)   Class C licenses shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquor on specified premises and shall be known as a "Service Bar License." The license shall not permit live entertainment on the premises and alcoholic liquor may only be served by employees at tables on the premises to patrons of the establishment. A Class C license specifically prohibits the operation of a bar or any facility where patrons may directly request service themselves and carry the beverage to their own table. The annual fee for a Class C license shall be $1,250.
   (D)   Class D licenses shall authorize the retail sale of beer on the specified premises, but shall not permit live entertainment on the premises. The annual fee for the license shall be $1,250.
   (D-2)   The village further designates the following village-owned locations as locations from which the village, its authorized agents, invitees, users, contracted parties, licensees, permittees or lessees may serve alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption pursuant to a duly issued Class L-1 license, provided, however, that no more than one such Class L-1 license shall ever be issued or in force and effect at any given time for any particular designated location, and provided further, that the sale and service of alcoholic beverages shall be subject to the applicable Class L-1 regulations, and shall further be subject to the terms and conditions of a duly approved contract between the village and the Class L-1 licensee authorizing the use of the designated location in question for the sale and service of alcoholic beverages pursuant to a Class L-1 license:
      (1)   Edward Hospital Athletic and Event Center; or
      (2)   Deer Crossing Park and Pavilion.
   (E)   Class E licenses shall authorize the retail package sale of alcoholic liquor for use or consumption at a locale other than the premises from where it was sold. The annual fee for the license shall be $1,250.
   (F)   Class F licenses shall authorize golf course banquet facilities to sell alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises described in the application therefor, and shall permit live entertainment on such premises. The annual fee for the license shall be $1,250. Notwithstanding any contrary provisions of § 112.21(A), a Class F licensee may employ persons aged 18 or over to sell, draw, mix or pour alcoholic liquors where such persons possess and maintain a valid B.A.S.S.E.T. training certificate, and where an employee of the class F licensee aged 21 or over is physically present in the Class F licensed premises acting in a supervisory or managerial capacity over any persons aged 18 or over so employed by the Class F licensee.
   (G)   Class G licenses shall authorize the licensee to sell alcoholic liquor at retail for consumption on the licensed premises, solely in connection with the operation of a full-service hotel, as defined in Chapter 159 of this Code, containing not less than 25 separate rooms for guest accommodation. At all times during which a Class G licensee shall be lawfully engaged in the sale of alcoholic liquor at retail for consumption on the premises, the Class G licensee shall operate a full service restaurant where meals are ordered from menus and prepared for and served to customers or patrons by staff employed for such purpose by the Class G licensee and not for the purpose of selling or serving alcoholic liquor. No Class G licensee shall be authorized to sell or deliver alcoholic liquor to individual rooms or to place, furnish or sell alcoholic liquor within individual guest rooms in any refrigerator, cooler, bar, chest or like item without a Class G room service endorsement. The annual fee for a Class G license shall be $1,200.
   (G-1)   Class G-1 license. A Class G-1 license shall authorize the retail sale for on-premises consumption of bottled or canned beer or wine only to the exclusion of any form of spirits or to the service of any form of draft or tap beer or wine, in accordance with the limitations and conditions hereinafter set forth in this division (G-1). The annual fee for a Class G-1 license shall be $1,250 per year. All sales of bottled or canned beer or wine for on-premises consumption by a Class G-l licensee shall comply with the following limitations and conditions:
      (1)   Notwithstanding anything in this chapter to the contrary, no Class G-1 licensee shall or serve sell any beer or wine on any day prior to 12 noon or after 11:00 p.m. under any circumstances.
      (2)   The sale for on-premises consumption of bottled or canned beer or wine by a Class G-1 licensee shall be incidental to the conduct by the Class G-1 licensee of the business of a hotel (other than a full service hotel) as the same is defined in Chapter 159 of this code. No live entertainment shall be permitted on the premises of a Class G-1 licensee.
      (3)   Class G-1 licensees shall be ineligible to apply for or receive a video gaming endorsement under the provisions of this chapter, and shall further be prohibited from conducting any raffles or any other form of gaming or gambling on the licensed premises, whether or not otherwise allowed or permitted by state law or regulation.
      (4)   The sale or service of bottled or canned beer or wine for on-premises consumption by a Class G-1 licensee shall be limited to (a) the sale of such products from a convenience/gift shop operated on the hotel premises by the Class G-1 licensee and intended to serve the needs of the guests of the Class G-1 licensee and (b) subject to the compliance by the Class G-1 licensee with the provisions of Section 6-28.5 of the Illinois Liquor Control Act of 1934, ILCS Ch. 235, Act 5, § 6-28.5, the complimentary dispensation to guests of the Class G-1 licensee of such products during a limited and continuous time period each day, the duration of which shall not exceed two hours.
      (5)   No Class G-1 licensee shall contract with, make arrangements with or otherwise cause any food truck licensed or required to be licensed under the Village Code of Ordinances from conducting its ordinary business operations at any location within the vicinity of the Class G-1 licensed premises, including but not limited to any parking area available for use by the customers of the Class G-1 licensed premises.
      (6)   No Class G-1 licensee shall cause, sponsor or permit the conduct of any special event or gathering outside of or at any location within the vicinity of the licensed premises, including but not limited to any parking area available for use by customers of the Class G-1 licensed premises.
      (7)   All beer or wine to be served or sold by a Class G-1 licensee shall be served or sold by an employee of the licensee who has successfully completed a T.I.P.S. alcohol training and certification course conducted by the Police Department or a B.A.S.S.E.T. program approved by the Illinois State Liquor Control Commission within a period of one year immediately prior to the date(s) during which the Class G-1 licensee proposes to serve such beer or wine as herein contemplated.
      (8)   No Class G-1 licensee shall be authorized to deliver any bottled or canned beer or wine for on-premises consumption to individual rooms or to place, furnish or sell alcoholic liquor within individual guest rooms in any refrigerator, cooler, bar, chest or like item.
   (H)   Class H licenses shall authorize the holders thereof to sell beer or wine, pre-mixed cocktails served from the manufacturer’s original packaging without further mixing or alteration by the licensee, or other forms of alcoholic beverages, at retail for consumption on the premises specified in the application, and shall permit live entertainment on such premises, provided, however, that Class H licenses shall only be issued in conjunction with the conduct of a special event or events occurring not more frequently than annually within the village to the person or entity organizing and responsible for the conduct of such special event or events. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, a class H licensee holding a valid Class H license in connection with a special event to be held at the Romeoville Athletic and Event Center shall be permitted to serve any otherwise lawful form of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption in connection with such a special event, where the service and sale of alcoholic beverages in connection with the special event in question is conducted through a Class A licensee that is also the holder of a duly issued and valid Class A Special Event endorsement. Class H licenses shall only be available to applicants that are bona fide charitable, religious, fraternal, civic, patriotic or social entities organized under the laws of the State of Illinois, organized for the promotion of a common aim or objective other than the consumption of alcohol and not for pecuniary profit, and that have been so organized for not less than five consecutive years prior to the date on which application for a Class H license is made by the applicant. As used in this chapter, "SPECIAL EVENT" means a picnic, rally, fair, festival, banquet, dance or other like gathering, whether public or private. The duration of a Class H license shall be entirely within the reasonable discretion of the local liquor control commissioner, but in any event shall not exceed five days. Not more than 12 Class H licenses shall be issued during any one calendar year, and not more than one Class H license shall be in force and outstanding at any given time. In the event that two or more otherwise qualified applicants apply for a Class H license for the same period of time, the local liquor control commissioner shall issue the Class H license at issue on the basis of priority of application. Additionally, no applicant may be issued more than two Class H licenses during any single calendar year, except that this limitation shall not apply to licensees seeking licenses in conjunction with village sponsored events. In the event that an application seeks a Class H license for a special event to be held on public property of the village, that applicant, in addition to complying with the provisions of this chapter and all other applicable ordinances of the village, shall be required to demonstrate to the local liquor control commissioner that the village has, by a duly enacted ordinance, authorized and approved the retail sale of alcoholic beverages at and from the premises described in the application, and further, that the village has authorized and approved the use of said premises for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages by the applicant in question in connection with the applicant's conduct of the special event described in the application. All applicants seeking a Class H license for a special event to be held on public property of the village shall, as a condition to the validity of the Class H license in question, further be required to execute an acknowledgment of the village conditions applicable to the sale and service of alcoholic beverages on public property in the form prescribed from time to time by the Liquor Commissioner, and to cause all volunteer or retained personnel engaged in such sale and service of alcoholic beverages to execute the village's then-current volunteer participation agreement. As a further condition to the issuance of a Class H license, all Class H licensees shall cause a sufficient number of their members, employees, agents or other personnel who are or are to be engaged in the sale or service of alcoholic liquor at retail in connection with the licensee's holding of a Class H license to have successfully completed a T.I.P.S. alcohol training and certification course conducted by the Police Department or a B.A.S.S.E.T. program approved by the Illinois State Liquor Control Commission within a period of one year immediately prior to the date(s) during which alcoholic liquor is proposed to be served pursuant to the Class H license in question. For purposes of the issuance of a Class H license, a sufficient number of members, employees, agents or other personnel of a Class H licensee who have received the training required by this division (H) shall be not less than one member, employee, agent or other personnel of the Class H licensee for every ten members, employees, agents or other personnel of the Class H licensee (or any fraction thereof) engaged or to be engaged in the service and sale of alcoholic liquor pursuant to the Class H license. Such sufficient number of trained members, employees, agents or other personnel of the Class H licensee shall be present at the licensed premises at all times during which alcoholic liquors are sold and served, and shall supervise the sale and service thereof. The cost of such training shall be borne by the Class H licensee. Documentary proof of compliance with the foregoing requirement shall be maintained by the Class H licensee and shall be produced upon demand to the local liquor control commissioner or his designee. As an alternative means of satisfying the immediately preceding license condition, a Class H licensee intending to hold a special event on public property of the village may contract with any duly licensed holder of a Class A liquor license within the village that is also the holder of a Class A - Special Event Sale Endorsement to provide all goods and services required in connection with the service or sale of alcoholic beverages at the special event in question. Class H licensees may also provide written consent to the dispensation of promotional samples of alcoholic beverages to a Class H-2 licensee, under such terms and conditions as may be agreed to by such parties. Such Class H-2 licensees shall be subject to and shall comply with all conditions applicable to the Class H licensee. The fee for a Class H license shall be $120 per day for each day for which the Class H license is sought.
   (H-1) Class H-l:
      (1)   The local liquor control commissioner may grant a Class H-1 license to any entity or organization conducting and promoting an event organized for the sale and dispensing of samples of craft beer and homemade brewed beverages (the "craft beer event"), as the local liquor commissioner may from time to time determine. A Class H-1 license shall be a temporary license authorizing the sale of craft beer and other alcoholic beverages only for consumption on a single licensed premises, which licensed premises shall consist of premises identified in the Class H-1 license and may include, subject to village approval at its discretion, by the Romeoville Athletic and Event Center and/or surrounding and adjacent outdoor areas owned by the village. Class H-1 licensees, during any craft beer event may, if a licensee so chooses, serve other forms of alcoholic beverages, provided that the Class H-1 licensee is otherwise in compliance with all provisions of this chapter with regard to such alcoholic beverages. A Class H-1 license shall only be issued for a single event and shall be valid for the date(s) specified in the license, as approved by the local liquor control commissioner. The duration of the craft beer event shall be subject to the discretion of the local liquor control commissioner but in any event shall not exceed five days. In no event shall a Class H-1 license remain valid beyond the date(s) specified therein. The issuance of a Class H-1 license shall require written consent of the village's Police and Fire Departments to confirm compliance with applicable state and local public health and fire prevention ordinances and statutes, and applicable village ordinances, including but not limited to all applicable provisions of this chapter. The local liquor control commissioner shall determine and may impose such other restrictions on said license as deemed necessary to protect the peace and quiet of the surrounding area. The fee for a Class H-1 license is $250. In no event shall an entity or organization be issued more than two Class H-1 licenses in any calendar year. No more than 12 Class H-1 licenses shall be issued in any calendar year, and no more than one Class H-1 license shall be in force and effect at any given time.
      (2)   In the event that an application seeks a Class H-1 license for a special event to be held at the Romeoville Athletic and Event Center and/or surrounding and adjacent outdoor areas owned by the village or on other public property, that applicant, in addition to complying with the provisions of this chapter and all other applicable ordinances of the village, shall be required to demonstrate to the local liquor commissioner that the village has, by a duly enacted ordinance, authorized and approved the retail sale of alcoholic beverages at and from the premises described in the application, and further, that the village has authorized and approved the use of said premises for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages by the applicant in question in connection with the applicants seeking a Class H-1 license for a craft beer event to be held on any public property of the village shall, as a condition to the validity of the Class H license in question, further be required to execute an agreement acknowledging and accepting the village conditions applicable to the sale and service of alcoholic beverages on public property in the form prescribed from time to time by the local liquor control commissioner. As a further condition to the issuance of a Class H-1 license, all Class H-1 licensees shall cause a sufficient number of their members, employees, agents, or other personnel or other authorized participants in the craft beer event who are or are to be engaged in the sale or served of alcoholic liquor at retail in connection with the licensee's holding of a Class H-1 license to have successfully completed a T.I.P.S. alcohol training and certification course conducted by the Police Department or a B.A.S.S.E.T. program approved by the Illinois State Liquor Control Commission within a period of one year immediately prior to the date(s) during which alcoholic liquor is proposed to be served pursuant to the Class H license in question. For purposes of the issuance of a Class H-1 license, a "sufficient number" of members, employees, agents or other personnel of a Class H-1 license or other authorized participant in the craft beer event who have received the training required hereby shall be not less than one member, employee, agent, or other personnel of the Class H-1 licensee or other authorized participant in the craft beer event for every ten members, employees, agents, or other personnel of the Class H-1 license or other authorized craft beer event (or any fraction thereof) engaged or to be engaged in the service and sale of alcoholic liquor pursuant to the Class H-1 license. Such sufficient number of trained members, employees, agents, or other personnel of the Class H-1 licensee or other authorized participant in the craft beer event shall be present at the licensed premises at all times during which alcoholic liquors are sold and served, and shall supervise the sale and service thereof. The cost of such training shall be borne by the Class H-1 licensee. Documentary proof of compliance with the foregoing requirement shall be maintained by the Class H-1 licensee and shall be produced upon demand to the local liquor control commissioner or his designee. As an alternative means of satisfying the immediately preceding license condition, a Class H-1 licensee intending to hold a special event on public property of the village may contract with any duly licensed holder of a Class A liquor license within the village that is also the holder of a Class A - Special Event Sale Endorsement to provide all goods and services required in connection with the service or sale of alcoholic beverages at the special event in question. As used herein, an "AUTHORIZED PARTICIPANT" in a craft beer event means a brewer or maker of homemade brewed beverages, duly licensed to the extent required by the State of Illinois, or employees, representatives, or agents thereof, invited and authorized by the Class H-1 licensee to participate in the craft beer event by selling and dispensing samples of craft beer and homemade brewed beverages at the craft beer event.
      (3)   Class H-1 licenses shall be subject to the following additional restrictions and conditions:
         (a)   All alcoholic beverages must be dispensed in plastic cups, the size of which may be limited at the discretion of the local liquor control commissioner.
         (b)   Positive identification of all patrons must be checked prior to entry into the licensed premises. Persons not of legal age to purchase or consume alcoholic beverages shall be prohibited from entering the licensed premises.
         (c)   The sale, delivery, or service of alcoholic beverages shall be limited to the licensed premises identified in the license. All alcoholic beverages must stay within the licensed premises at all times. The licensee is responsible for ensuring that patrons do not leave the licensed premises with any alcoholic beverage and/or hand alcoholic beverages to persons outside the licensed premises.
         (d)   All sales of alcoholic beverages must commence after 12:00 p.m. on the day of the event, and stop at or before 11:00 p.m. is sold Friday and Saturday and 10:00 p.m. if sold Sunday through Thursday. These hours may be modified by the local liquor control commissioner as deemed necessary to protect the peace and quiet of the surrounding area.
         (e)   Licensees are solely responsible for the timely clearance of all patrons from the licensed premises.
         (f)   All operations by licensees at the licensed premises shall not disturb the lawful use and quiet enjoyment of nearby properties.
         (g)   Licensees shall maintain the licensed premises in a neat, orderly, and safe condition, shall provide such traffic control and sanitation facilities as may be required by the local liquor commissioner to protect the public health, safety, welfare, and morals of the residents of the village, and shall restore the premises after expiration of the license to the prior condition thereof, including the removal of trash, rubbish, and garbage in accordance with the Village's Code of Ordinances. Licensees must provide refuse containers at each exit of the licensed premises for garbage and/or unconsumed alcoholic beverages.
         (h)   The licensed premises shall be entirely contained within a permanent building or structure, or if not within a permanent building or structure, enclosed with a fence, or other barrier approved by the local liquor control commissioner, demarcating the area.
         (i)   Licensees shall be responsible to comply with all other applicable provisions of this chapter and applicable laws of the State of Illinois.
         (j)   The licensee shall, upon request of the local liquor control commissioner, produce to the village evidence satisfactory to the village of the licensee's relationship to the individual brewers represented at the subject event.
         (k)   Licensees shall be responsible for the actions of all authorized participants in the craft beer event and shall take reasonable steps to ensure the compliance of such participants with the applicable ordinances of the village and laws of the State of Illinois.
   (H-2) Class H-2 licenses shall authorize the holders thereof to dispense samples of beer, wine, or other alcoholic liquors without charge or compensation therefor to patrons or attendees of a special event for which a Class H liquor license has been issued by the local liquor control commissioner, and such Class H-2 shall be valid only during the conduct of the underlying special event and during the same dates and hours for which the relevant Class H license shall have been issued. A Class H-2 license shall only be available to a person or entity licensed by the State of Illinois as a retailer or distributor of alcoholic beverages, or registered with the State of Illinois as a tasting representative. A total of three sampling portions may be served to an individual of legal age per day. A sampling portion consists of one ounce of wine, two ounces of beer, or one quarter ounce of other alcoholic liquor. Class H-2 license applicants shall, in addition to all other required information, provide the local liquor control commissioner with proof of the written consent of the relevant Class H licensee to the proposed activities of the Class H-2 licensee, which written consent shall be subject to the reasonable review and approval of the local liquor control commissioner. Class H-2 licensees shall comply with all conditions applicable to the conduct of the special event by the Class H licensee.
   (I)   Class I licenses shall only be issued to holders of Class A, B, C, D, E, F, or G licenses who have not been fined or had their licenses suspended during the calendar year in which the Class I license is sought, shall be of one day in duration, and shall permit the holder thereof to sell alcoholic liquor at retail for one additional hour during the day for which the license is issued beyond the hours of retail sale of alcoholic liquor otherwise permitted by the ordinances of the village. Not more than six Class I licenses shall be issued for any given day, and shall be issued on the basis of priority of application between otherwise qualified applicants. Not more than three Class I licenses shall be issued to a single applicant during any given calendar year, and no applicant shall apply for or be issued more than one Class I license for any given day. The fee for each Class I license issued shall be $50.
   (J)   Class J liquor licenses shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption on the licensed premises, which premises are a cinema or theater entertainment venue, consisting of a single or multi-screen operation in conjunction with the availability and preparation of food (including but not limited to salads, sandwiches, and pizzas) to customer order for immediate consumption on the premises, and further provided that the sale of food and alcoholic beverages shall be accessory to the operation of the premises as a cinema or theater entertainment venue. Alcoholic beverages shall be prepared and served from a service bar area which shall not include seating for patrons adjacent to or in the vicinity of such service bar area. Notwithstanding any contrary provisions of this chapter, alcoholic beverages may only be sold on the premises of a Class J licensee during the hours of 12:00 noon to 12:00 midnight, but not more than 15 minutes prior to the start of the first regularly scheduled movie or film to be shown on the premises during a given day, nor after the conclusion of the last regularly scheduled movie or film to be shown on the premises during a given day. The annual fee for a Class J license shall be $1,800.
   (K)   Class K licenses shall authorize the holders thereof to engage only in the retail sale of packaged alcoholic liquor for consumption at a location other than the licensed premises, which packaged alcoholic liquor shall be delivered to the purchaser or intended consumer thereof at a location other than the licensed premises. Under no circumstances whatsoever shall the holder of a Class K license deliver any packaged alcoholic liquor to any purchaser or intended consumer thereof on the location of the licensed premises, or permit the consumption of any alcoholic liquor on the location of the licensed premises. For purposes of the imposition and ultimate distri-bution of tax revenues levied and collected pursuant to the Retailers' Occupation Tax, ILCS Ch. 35, Act 120, § 1 et seq., all sales of packaged alcoholic liquors made by a Class K licensee from licensed premises shall be deemed to have been made within the village, regardless of the location of the purchaser or ultimate consumer or recipient of such packaged alcoholic liquors. Notwithstanding the fact that a Class K licensee may take orders for the delivery of packaged alcoholic liquors via telephone, internet, or other forms of electronic communication and utilize information provided by these means of communication to verify the age and identity of the purchaser or ultimate consumer or recipient of the packaged alcoholic beverages in question, no Class K licensee shall deliver any packaged alcoholic liquor to any purchaser, or ultimate intended consumer or recipient thereof without causing one or more of its employees to personally inspect the identification of the purchaser or ultimate intended consumer or recipient in accordance with § 112.18, nor shall any Class K licensee deliver any packaged alcoholic liquor to any purchaser, or ultimate intended consumer or recipient thereof without causing such purchaser, or ultimate intended consumer or recipient thereof to sign a receipt for the delivery of such packaged alcoholic liquor on a form to be prescribed by the village from time to time and thereafter forwarding a copy of such receipt to the village, all so as to ensure compliance with §§ 112.19 and 112.20. Furthermore, no Class K licensee shall accept any order for packaged alcoholic liquors or deliver any packaged alcoholic liquors to the purchaser or ultimate intended consumer or recipient thereof at any time when the sale of packaged alcoholic liquors would be prohibited under § 112.08. Notwith-standing any contrary provision hereof, no Class K licensee shall be eligible to apply for or receive any other class of liquor license provided for under this chapter during such time as the licensee's Class K license remains in full force and effect. The annual fee for a Class K license shall be $2,000.
   (L)   Class L licenses shall authorize the holders thereof to engage in the retail sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises specified in the application therefor, and shall permit live entertainment on the premises, provided, however, that such sales shall only occur in connection with the conduct of special events (as defined in division (H)), exhibitions, tournaments or competitions in a sport, game, or other activity on the premises specified in the application, which shall not occur or take place more frequently than four times per calendar year. The duration of any such special event, exhibition, tournament or competition at which alcoholic liquor is to be sold pursuant to a Class L license shall be entirely within the reasonable discretion of the local Liquor Control Commissioner but in no event shall such a special event, exhibition, tournament or competition exceed three days in duration. No person or entity shall apply for or be issued more than one Class L license during any calendar year. Without otherwise limiting, affecting or modifying any other requirements imposed by this division, other ordinances of the village or applicable law, all holders of a Class L license shall specifically be required to strictly comply with the terms and conditions of any license or permit issued by the village in connection with the use of the premises specified in the application or in connection with the operation of any business from such premises. The annual fee for a Class L license shall be $600.
   (L-1) Class L-1 licenses shall authorize the holders thereof to engage in the retail sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises specified in the application therefor, and shall permit live entertainment on the premises, provided, however, that such sales shall only occur in connection with and during the conduct of special events (as defined in division (H) of this section), exhibitions, tournaments or competitions in a sport, game, or other activity on the premises specified in the application, provided, however, that notwithstanding any contrary provision of this chapter, the sale and service of alcoholic beverages shall be strictly prohibited in connection with the conduct of any special event in which the participants thereof are minors, or which is marketed, held out or promoted as an event of particular interest to minors, and no Class L-1 license shall be construed or deemed to authorize the sale and service of alcoholic beverages in connection with any such special event. Class L-1 licenses shall only be available for issuance to applicants having a contractual right under a contract entered into with and approved by the village for the sale and service of alcoholic liquors to sell and service alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption at a village-owned location designated in division (D-2) of this section. The duration of any such special event, exhibition, tournament or competition at which alcoholic liquor is to be sold pursuant to a Class L-1 license shall be entirely within the reasonable discretion of the local liquor control commissioner but in no event shall such a special event, exhibition, tournament or competition exceed five days in duration, provided, however, that the duration of the Class L-1 license itself shall be for a term of one calendar year, expiring at the end of the calendar year in which it was issued without regard to the date of issuance. Without otherwise limiting, affecting or modifying any other requirements imposed by this division, other ordinances of the village or applicable law, all holders of a Class L-l license shall specifically be required to strictly comply with the terms and conditions of any contract approved by the village in connection with the use of the premises specified in the application or in connection with the operation of any business from such premises, and no Class L-1 license shall be approved or issued without such a contract having first been approved for the use of the premises described in the application as a location for the sale, service and on premises consumption of alcoholic beverages. All applicants seeking a Class L-1 license for a special event to be held on public property of the village designated as such in division (D-2) of this section, as a condition to the validity of the Class L-1 license in question, further be required to execute an acknowledgment of the village conditions applicable to the sale and service of alcoholic beverages on public property in the form prescribed from time to time by the Liquor Commissioner, and to cause all volunteer or retained personnel engaged in such sale and service of alcoholic beverages to execute the village's then-current volunteer participation agreement. As a further condition to the issuance of a Class L-1 license, all Class L-1 licensees shall cause a sufficient number of their members, employees, agents or other personnel who are or are to be engaged in the sale or service of alcoholic liquor at retail in connection with the licensee's holding of a Class L-1 license to have successfully completed a T.I.P.S. alcohol training and certification course conducted by the Police Department or a B.A.S.S.E.T. program approved by the Illinois State Liquor Control Commission within a period of one year immediately prior to the date(s) during which alcoholic liquor is proposed to be served pursuant to the Class L-1 license in question. For purposes of the issuance of a Class L-1 license, a "sufficient number" of members, employees, agents or other personnel of a Class L-1 licensee who have received the training required by this division (L-1) shall be not less than one member, employee, agent or other personnel of the Class L-1 licensee for every ten members, employees, agents or other personnel of the Class L-1 licensee (or any fraction thereof) engaged or to be engaged in the service and sale of alcoholic liquor pursuant to the Class L-1 license. Such sufficient number of trained members, employees, agents or other personnel of the Class L-1 licensee shall be present at the licensed premises at all times during which alcoholic liquors are sold and served, and shall supervise the sale and service thereof. The cost of such training shall be borne by the Class L-1 licensee. Documentary proof of compliance with the foregoing requirement shall be maintained by the Class L-1 licensee and shall be produced upon demand to the local liquor control commissioner or his designee. As an alternative means of satisfying the immediately preceding license condition, a Class L-1 licensee intending to hold a special event on public property of the village may contract with any duly licensed holder of a Class A liquor license within the village that is also the holder of a Class A—Special Event Sale Endorsement to provide all goods and services required in connection with the service or sale of alcoholic beverages at the special event in question. The annual fee for a Class L-1 license shall be $500.
   (L-2) Class L-2 licenses shall authorize the holders thereof to engage in the retail sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises specified in the application therefor, and shall permit live entertainment on the premises, provided, however, that such sales shall only occur in connection with and during the conduct of special events (as defined in division (H) of this section), exhibitions, tournaments or competitions in a sport, game, or other activity on the premises specified in the application. Class L-2 licenses shall only be available for issuance to applicants having a contractual right under a contract entered into with and approved by the village for the sale and service of alcoholic liquors to sell and service alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption at a village-owned location designated in division (D-2) of this section. The duration of any such special event, exhibition, tournament or competition at which alcoholic liquor is to be sold pursuant to a Class L-2 license shall be entirely within the reasonable discretion of the local liquor control commissioner, provided, however, that the duration of the Class L-2 license itself shall be for a term of one calendar year, expiring at the end of the calendar year in which it was issued without regard to the date of issuance. Without otherwise limiting, affecting or modifying any other requirements imposed by this division, other ordinances of the village or applicable law, all holders of a Class L-2 license shall specifically be required to strictly comply with the terms and conditions of any contract approved by the village in connection with the use of the premises specified in the application or in connection with the operation of any business from such premises, and no Class L-2 license shall be approved or issued without such a contract having first been approved for the use of the premises described in the application as a location for the sale, service and on premises consumption of alcoholic beverages. All applicants seeking a Class L-2 license for a special event to be held on public property of the village designated as such in division (D-2) of this section, as a condition to the validity of the Class L-2 license in question, further be required to execute an acknowledgment of the village conditions applicable to the sale and service of alcoholic beverages on public property in the form prescribed from time to time by the Liquor Commissioner, and to cause all volunteer or retained personnel engaged in such sale and service of alcoholic beverages to execute the village's then-current volunteer participation agreement. As a further condition to the issuance of a Class L-2 license, all Class L-2 licensees shall cause a sufficient number of their members, employees, agents or other personnel who are or are to be engaged in the sale or service of alcoholic liquor at retail in connection with the licensee's holding of a Class L-2 license to have successfully completed a T.I.P.S. alcohol training and certification course conducted by the Police Department or a B.A.S.S.E.T. program approved by the Illinois State Liquor Control Commission within a period of one year immediately prior to the date(s) during which alcoholic liquor is proposed to be served pursuant to the Class L-2 license in question. For purposes of the issuance of a Class L-2 license, a "sufficient number" of members, employees, agents or other personnel of a Class L-2 licensee who have received the training required by this division (L-2) shall be not less than one member, employee, agent or other personnel of the Class L-2 licensee for every ten members, employees, agents or other personnel of the Class L-2 licensee (or any fraction thereof) engaged or to be engaged in the service and sale of alcoholic liquor pursuant to the Class L-2 license. Such sufficient number of trained members, employees, agents or other personnel of the Class L-2 licensee shall be present at the licensed premises at all times during which alcoholic liquors are sold and served, and shall supervise the sale and service thereof. The cost of such training shall be borne by the Class L-2 licensee. Documentary proof of compliance with the foregoing requirement shall be maintained by the Class L-2 licensee and shall be produced upon demand to the local liquor control commissioner or his designee. As an alternative means of satisfying the immediately preceding license condition, a Class L-2 licensee intending to hold a special event on public property of the village may contract with any duly licensed holder of a Class A liquor license within the village that is also the holder of a Class A-Special Event Sale Endorsement to provide all goods and services required in connection with the service or sale of alcoholic beverages at the special event in question. The annual fee for a Class L-2 license shall be $500.
   (M)   Class M licenses shall authorize the on-premises brewing of beer and the retail sale of alcoholic liquor on the premises, including but not limited to the beer brewed on the premises, and shall further authorize the sale of the beer brewed on the premises in original sealed packages for consumption off of the premises, except that no such beer shall be sold for consumption off of the premises during the hours of 12:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. Class M licensees shall further be permitted to make sales of beer brewed on the premises to distributors or wholesalers and to store brewed beer upon the premises. The area in which beer is brewed on the premises may be visible to customers or patrons of the Class M licensee but shall not be generally or freely accessible to such customers or patrons. All Class M licensees shall further be required at all times when open to the general public to operate a full service restaurant where meals are ordered from menus and prepared for and served to customers or patrons by staff employed for such purpose by the Class M licensee and not for the purpose of selling or serving alcoholic liquor. Class M licensees may incorporate a bar with a seating area as part of the full service restaurant required to be maintained, but such bar area may not occupy more than 25% of the total floor area designated and used by the Class M licensee for the combined restaurant/bar operation, and no persons under 21 years of age shall be permitted to be present in such bar area. Class M licensees shall at all times remain solely responsible for obtaining and remaining in compliance with all other necessary state and federal licenses required for the operation of the business contemplated by the Class M licensee, and the failure to do so shall constitute a violation of this chapter. The annual fee for the Class M license shall be $1,800.
   (M-1) Class M-1 licenses shall authorize the on-premises brewing of beer, the retail sales of beer brewed on the premises for off-premises consumption in original sealed packages which shall require the seal to be broken in order for the beer contained in the packages to be consumed (except that no such beer shall be sold for off-premises consumption during the hours from 12:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.), the sales of beer brewed on the premises to distributors or wholesalers, and the storage of brewed beer on the premises. The dispensation of beer for off-premises consumption into containers commonly known as "growlers" shall comply with the requirements pertaining thereto set forth in § 112.33A(B)(1). Class M-1 licensees may sell beer brewed on the premises for on-premises consumption or provide complimentary samples of beer brewed on the premises to prospective purchasers of such beer, provided, however, that the service of such complimentary samples shall be performed by a full-time employee of the Class M-1 licensee in a designated area of the licensed premises, and the consumption of such samples shall at all times be supervised by such employee. Class M-1 licensees shall additionally be permitted to sell alcoholic liquor and wine for on-premises consumption on the Class M-1 licensed premises. Class M-1 licensees may, but need not provide food services from within the Class M-1 licensed premises, provided that such services otherwise comply with all applicable village, County of Will and State of Illinois requirements, and provided further, that Class M-1 licensees shall further be permitted to allow customers and patrons present within the Class M-1 licensed premises to order food from outside the Class M-1 licensed premises for delivery to the Class M-1 licensed premises for consumption within the Class M-1 licensed premises while present therein for the purpose of sampling beer brewed on the premises as hereinabove contemplated. The annual fee for the Class M-1 license shall be $1,200.
   (N)   Class N licenses shall authorize the licensee to sell alcoholic liquor in the original package solely in connection with the operation of a catering business from a physical location within the village which shall be deemed the licensed premises, and then only in connection with the sale of prepared food by such catering business for consumption at a private party or function open only to previously invited guests where such prepared food is also served. Class N licenses shall only be issued to applicants demonstrating that the business of the licensee is that of a bona fide catering business. All sales of alcoholic liquor and food made by any Class N licensee shall be deemed to have been made from the licensed premises, and shall be subject to all applicable village and other taxes. No consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted on the licensed premises. The annual fee for the Class N license shall be $1,250.
   (O)   Class O licenses shall authorize the licensee to sell bottled wines and premium beer only in the original package and not for consumption on the licensed premises, and to sell wine and premium beer by the glass for consumption on the licensed premises. Holders of Class O licenses shall be permitted to sell spirits in the original package for consumption either off the licensed premises, or to sell spirits for consumption on the licensed premises. Additionally, and subject to compliance with applicable requirements of the Liquor Control Act of 1934 and the rules and regulations promulgated by the Illinois Liquor Control Commission, Class O licensee shall additionally be permitted to sell growlers or crawlers of premium beer for off- premises consumption, and likewise to sell pre-mixed cocktails or single servings of wine for off-premises consumption. However, Class O licensees shall be prohibited from applying for or holding any license, permit or other approval authorizing or purporting to authorize video gaming terminals to be located and used on the licensed premises. Class O licensees shall also at all times offer not less than six different types or varieties of wine for sale by the glass for consumption on the licensed premises. As used in this chapter, "PREMIUM BEER" shall mean and include beer not brewed or manufactured within the United States of America or a beer brewed or manufactured by a brewer that produces less than 2,000,000 barrels of beer annually, in which no other brewer, person or entity producing more than 2,000,000 barrels of beer annually holds more than a 25% ownership interest and that produces a significant volume of all-malt beers, uses adjuncts to enhance rather than lighten flavor, and is characterized by the production of new interpretations of traditional beer styles or the development of new styles of beer without historical precedent. All dispensing of premium beer or wine from the original packages thereof for consumption on the licensed premises shall be conducted by employees of the Class O licensee who have completed the training required by § 112.46 . Seating for customers ordering wine or premium beer by the glass for consumption on the licensed premises, shall not exceed 40 seats in total. A Class O license shall also allow the delivery of wine and premium beer, without any direct or indirect charge, for on-premises consumption for promotional or sampling purposes only in conjunction with promotional efforts occurring on the licensed premises, which efforts may be conducted on a daily basis. The sampling shall be attended and supervised by a full-time employee and only in a designated area on the licensed premises, and shall be subject to such further regulation as deemed necessary by the local liquor control commissioner. No portion of beer or wine provided for sampling or tasting purposes shall exceed one ounce in volume of wine, two ounces of premium beer, and no individual person may be provided more than five such tasting or sampling portions during a given calendar day. Notwithstanding the limitation on the number of sampling portions permitted to be provided to an individual person during a given calendar day, a Class O licensee shall be permitted to conduct not more than four special events during a given calendar year, during which such special events there shall be no limitation on the number of sampling portions that may be provided to an individual patron other than as set forth in § 112.15, and at which a Class O licensee shall be permitted to provide live entertainment on the Class O licensed premises. Except as contemplated by the preceding sentence, Class O licensees shall not be permitted to provide live entertainment on the Class O licensed premises. A Class O licensee shall provide the local liquor control commissioner with not less than 30 days' prior written notice of its intent to conduct a special event as permitted herein, which notice shall set forth a description of the nature of the event and the activities to be conducted at such event. The manner in which such a special event is conducted shall be subject to the reasonable discretion of the local liquor control commissioner. A Class O license also authorizes the sale of beer and wine-related accessories, gourmet food-related accessories, and gourmet foods such as cold sandwiches, salads, cheeses, appetizers, or other similar or complimentary foods, and drink products, all in compliance with the applicable requirements of the Health Department or other like agency having jurisdiction thereof. Patrons of Class O licensees shall also be permitted to order food and drink products from outside of the Class O licensed premises for consumption within the Class O licensed premises, so long as the providers or sellers thereof shall supply and produce such food and drink products in compliance with the applicable requirements of the Health Department or other like agency having jurisdiction thereof. The annual fee for the Class O license shall be $1,250.
   (P)   Class P licenses shall authorize the licensee to sell alcoholic liquor at retail for consumption on the licensed premises, where such premises are owned by the licensee and include a full-service kitchen area of not less than 300 square feet, and where the licensee is a bona fide charitable, religious, fraternal, civic, patriotic or social entity organized under the laws of the state, organized for the promotion of a common aim or objective other than the consumption of alcohol and not for pecuniary profit, and has been so organized for not less than five consecutive years prior to the date on which application for a Class P license is made by the applicant. No Class P license shall be issued for any licensee owning proposed licensed premises located within a residential zoning district pursuant to applicable village ordinances, or to any licensee that is a condominium of homeowners' association. Class P licenses shall only authorize such sale at retail of alcoholic liquor to members of the licensee and to invited guests of such members in connection with the conduct of particular events or functions, including but not necessarily limited to banquets, dinners, fundraisers, dances, or festivals, and not on a general or continuous basis, where written notice of the particular event or function at which alcoholic liquor is to be served is provided to the local liquor control commissioner not less than 15 days prior to the date of the event or function in question. Live entertainment shall be permitted on the licensed premises in connection with the conduct of the aforementioned events or functions by the licensee. As a further condition to the issuance of a Class P license, all Class P licensees shall cause a sufficient number of their members, employees, agents or other personnel who are or are to be engaged in the sale or service of alcoholic liquor at retail in connection with the licensee's holding of a Class P license to successfully complete a T.I.P.S. alcohol training and certification course conducted by the Police Department or a B.A.S.S.E.T. program approved by the Illinois State Liquor Control Commission within 90 days of the issuance of any original or renewal license, or within 90 days from the date on which any such members, employees, agents or other personnel become engaged in such sale or service of alcoholic liquor. For purposes of the issuance of a Class P license, a "sufficient number" of members, employees, agents or other personnel of a Class P licensee who have received the training required by this division (P) shall be not less than one member, employee, agent or other personnel of the Class P licensee for every ten members, employees, agents or other personnel of the Class P licensee (or any fraction thereof) engaged or to be engaged in the service and sale of alcoholic liquor pursuant to the Class P license. Such sufficient number of trained members, employees, agents or other personnel of the Class P licensee shall be present at the licensed premises at all times during which alcoholic liquors are sold and served, and shall supervise the sale and service thereof. The cost or expense of such training shall be borne by the Class P licensee. Documentary proof of compliance with the foregoing requirement shall be maintained by the Class P licensee and shall be produced upon demand to the local liquor control commissioner or his designee. The annual fee for the Class P license shall be $250.
   (Q)   Class Q licenses shall authorize a licensee that is a bona fide restaurant to permit its customers to bring beer or wine but no other form of alcoholic liquor into such bona fide restaurant for consumption on the premises of such restaurant incidental and complementary to the service of a meal to be consumed by such customers while seated at a table and served by waitstaff employed by such licensee exclusively for such purpose, and no other establishment that is not a bona fide restaurant as defined herein (including but not limited to an establishment that holds a license issued under the provisions of Chapter 110A or under any successor provisions thereto) shall be eligible to apply for or receive a Class Q license. No person, entity or establishment that is not the holder of a valid Class Q license shall exercise any of the privileges granted to holders of Class Q licenses hereunder. No Class Q licensee shall permit any individual customer or pair of customers to bring into any Class Q licensed premises any amount of beer in excess of 72 ounces of beer in the original manufacturer's sealed package, or any amount of wine in excess of 750 mL of wine in the original manufacturer's sealed package; parties of customers larger than two customers shall be subject to the foregoing limitations, applied to each pair of such customers or fraction thereof. Notwithstanding any contrary provisions of this chapter, no Class Q licensee shall permit any customer to (i) bring any beer or wine into any Class Q licensed premises prior to noon on any day of the week, (ii) enter any Class Q licensed premises with beer or wine after 10:00 p.m. on any day of the week, or (iii) remain within any Class Q licensed premises with any unconsumed beer or wine after 11:00 p.m. on any day of the week. No Class Q licensee shall permit any customers to leave the licensed premises in possession of any opened container of beer or wine, other than an opened and partially consumed bottle of wine that has been resealed with a seal identifying the name and address of the licensee, and in a tamper-proof manner requiring the seal to be broken in order to open the container. The Class Q licensee shall provide each customer leaving its premises with such a partially consumed and resealed bottle of wine with a receipt bearing the date and time of such customer's patronage. Class Q licensees may provide glassware, ice, coolers or ice buckets for such customers, and may open, uncork, serve, pour and store beer or wine brought by such customers but only while such customers remain on the premises in connection with their consumption of a meal on the premises, and for the provision of such services, may charge such customers a service or corkage fee which shall be displayed on printed menus distributed to customers upon being seated at a table on the licensed premises. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Class Q licensees shall be prohibited from collecting any cover charge or other form of admission charge from customers seeking to enter the licensed premises. As a further condition to the issuance of a Class Q license, and to the exercise of any and all privileges thereunder, all Class Q licensees shall be required at all times to maintain on the premises not less than one manager or supervisor who has successfully completed within the year prior to the exercise or proposed exercise of any privileges under the Class Q license a T.I.P.S. alcohol training and certification course conducted by the Romeoville Police Department or a B.A.S.S.E.T. program approved by the Illinois State Liquor Control Commission, and shall further require that all waitstaff employed by such licensee who are engaged in the exercise or proposed exercise of any privileges under the Class Q license likewise complete a T.I.P.S. alcohol training and certification course conducted by the Romeoville Police Department or a B.A.S.S.E.T. program approved by the Illinois State Liquor Control Commission within the year prior to so engaging in the exercise or proposed exercise of any privileges under the Class Q license. As used herein, a "bona fide restaurant" shall mean an establishment that derives not less than 90% of its revenues from the sales to customers of food and nonalcoholic beverages prepared for on-premises consumption that is regularly and principally engaged in the preparation of full meals consisting of an entree served with soup, salad or an appetizer to the order of its customers, where customers sit exclusively at separate tables and chairs adequately sized to the service and consumption of full meals by the number of persons seated at a particular table and order from menus that include full meals consisting of an entree served with soup, salad or an appetizer, that is in possession of all other required licenses and permits, including a village business license that discloses the business of the establishment as a bona fide restaurant as contemplated herein and all necessary Will County Health Department food service permits and licenses and that maintains a full-time staff solely for the purposes of cooking, preparing and serving food to customers, sized to accommodate that number of customers capable of being seated at the tables and chairs located within the licensed premises. No establishment serving food shall be deemed to be a bona fide restaurant or be eligible to apply for a Class Q license if such establishment holds a license issued under Chapter 110A, or if such establishment serves or is capable of serving customers through any form of drive-through or drive-up service facilities, serves customers or receives customer orders through a window or at a counter service area, requires payment at the time of ordering food, does not customarily require or expect customers to provide gratuities to waitstaff, does not utilize permanent cutlery, tableware, glassware or dishes to serve food and beverages, customarily expects customers to clean up disposable food service items from their own tables, or customarily provides trash containers for customers in the customer dining area. The annual fee for a Class Q license shall be $500.
   (Q-1)   Class Q-1 license. A Class Q-1 license shall authorize a licensee that is a bona fide event space to permit its parties renting such premises to bring bottled or canned beer or wine only to the exclusion of any form of spirits or the service of any form of draft or tap beer or wine, for on-premises consumption by the guests and invitees of the customer renting the premises of the bona fide event space for the conduct of a private party, event or gathering, attendance at which is limited to invitees or guests of the customer renting the premises of said bona fide event space, to the exclusion of members of the general public, all in accordance with the limitations and conditions hereinafter set forth in this division (Q-1). Class Q-1 licensees shall further be permitted to serve or dispense any such canned or bottled beer or wine brought to its premises by the renter thereof. The annual fee for a Class Q-1 license shall be $250 per year. As used herein, a “BONA FIDE EVENT SPACE” means any wholly indoor space within a building operated and publicly held out on a continuous basis for the sole and exclusive purpose of providing a space for customers to rent on a short term basis for the conduct of private, invitation only events, the attendance at which is limited to guests or invitees specifically invited by the customer renting the space in question. The owner or operator of a bona fide event space shall be permitted to provide furnishings and supplies to its customers and renters such as tables, chairs, decorations, and devices for displaying or transmitting audio or visual media, but shall not itself hold or maintain a restaurant or food service license of any kind, nor hold a liquor license for the Class Q-1 premises other than a Class Q-1 license. The operator of a bona fide event space holding a Class Q-1 license shall, however, be permitted to arrange for catered food to be served to renters, invitees and guests using a bona fide event space, or to permit such renters, invitees and guests to arrange for catered food or food prepared off-premises to be brought to and consumed on the premises of the bona fide event space by the renters thereof and their guests and invitees.
   All on-premises consumption of bottled or canned beer or wine for on-premises consumption by a Class Q-1 licensee shall comply with the following limitations and conditions:
      (1)   Notwithstanding anything in this chapter to the contrary, no Class Q-1 licensee shall allow or permit any beer or wine to be consumed within the Class Q-1 licensed premises after 11:00 p.m. on any day and under any circumstances.
      (2)   The size of the licensed premises for which a Class S license may be issued shall be not less than 1,000 square feet nor more than 1,500 square feet.
      (3)   Live entertainment shall be permitted on Class Q-1 premises during an event for which such premises have been rented, provided, however, that no such live entertainment shall be conducted after 11:00 p.m. on any day under any circumstances.
      (4)   Class Q-1 licensees shall be ineligible to apply for or receive a video gaming endorsement under the provisions of this chapter, and shall further be prohibited from conducting any raffles or any other form of gaming or gambling on the licensed premises, whether or not otherwise allowed or permitted by state law or regulation.
      (5)   As an alternative to purchasing and bringing canned or bottled beer or wine to the premises of a Class Q-1 licensee, the party responsible for the rental of the Class Q-1 premises may contract with a caterer holding a Class N license for the provision and service of bottled or canned beer or wine in connection with the event being conducted on the Class Q-1 premises by such renter.
      (6)   No Class Q-1 licensee or any party renting or using any bona fide event space shall contract with, make arrangements with or otherwise cause any food truck licensed or required to be licensed under the Village Code of Ordinances from conducting its ordinary business operations at any location within the vicinity of the Class Q-1 licensed premises, including but not limited to any parking area available for use by the customers of the Class Q-1 licensed premises.
      (7)   No Class Q-1 licensee or any renter of any Class Q-1 licensed premises shall cause, sponsor or permit the conduct of any special event or gathering outside of the building housing or enclosing the Class Q-1 licensed premises or at any outdoor location within the vicinity of the licensed premises, including but not limited to any parking area available for use by customers of the Class S licensed premises.
      (8)   Any beer or wine to be served by a Class Q-1 licensee shall be served by an employee of the licensee who has successfully completed a T.I.P.S. alcohol training and certification course conducted by the Police Department or a B.A.S.S.E.T. program approved by the Illinois State Liquor Control Commission within a period of one year immediately prior to the date(s) during which the Class Q-1 licensee proposes to serve such beer or wine as herein contemplated. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the party renting the Class Q-1 licensed premises for the conduct of an event may elect to serve or dispense beer or wine in accordance with the provisions of the Class Q-1 license in lieu of using personnel of the Class Q-1 licensee for such purpose.
      (9)   Occupancy of Class Q-1 licensed premises shall at all times comply with such occupancy limits as may be established from time to time by the Village Fire Department.
      (10)   No Class Q-1 licensed premises shall be used for the conduct of any event at which guests or invitees are charged any fee or price of any kind, or for which guests or invitees are required to pay compensation for any purpose to the party renting the Class Q-1 licensed premises, including but not limited to fees, charges or compensation for admission or for defraying expenses of the event (including but not limited to expenses for food, entertainment or any beer or wine served at the event in question).
   (R)   Class R license. A Class R license shall authorize the retail package sale of alcoholic liquor for use or consumption at a locale other than the premises from where it was sold, and shall further authorize the holder thereof to permit the sale of premium beer and wine only to the exclusion of spirits for on-premises consumption in accordance with the limitations and conditions hereinafter set forth in this division (R). The annual fee for a Class R license shall be $3,000. All sales of beer and wine for on-premises consumption conducted by a Class R license shall be conducted in accordance with the following limitations and conditions:
      (1)   Sales of premium beer and wine for on-premises consumption must be conducted from a physically distinct area consisting of not more than 5% of the Class R licensed premises, sometimes hereinafter referred to as a “tasting room.” The total area of any Class R licensed premises containing a tasting room shall consist of not less than 10,000 square feet. No gratuitous dispensation of premium beer or wine shall be permitted in connection with the operation of a tasting room.
      (2)   Alcoholic beverages offered for consumption on the Class R licensed premises shall be limited to premium beer, as defined in § 112.33(O) and wine. No Class R licensee shall sell or offer spirits for on-premises consumption in connection with the operation of a tasting room.
      (3)   No Class R licensee shall serve more than 32 ounces of premium beer to a patron or more than 16 ounces of wine to a patron during any one calendar day, nor shall any Class R licensee serve both premium beer and wine to the same patron during any one calendar day.
      (4)   Class R licensees shall only offer premium beer and wine for on-premises consumption during the hours from 12:00 noon to 10:00 p.m.
      (5)   No Class R licensee shall derive more than 10% of its gross revenues in any 12-month period from the operation of a tasting room within the Class R licensed premises. All Class R licensees shall maintain documentation demonstrating compliance with the foregoing standard available for inspection on the request of the Local Liquor Control Commissioner.
      (6)   No Class R licensee shall at any time offer or permit the performance of any form of live entertainment within the Class R licensed premises.
      (7)   No Class R licensee shall be permitted to apply for or hold a video gaming terminal location endorsement under § 112.33A.
      (8)   No Class R licensee shall permit any tasting room patron to bring any form of alcoholic beverage from outside of the Class R licensed premises into a tasting room for on-premises consumption, or to permit any tasting room patron to purchase premium beer or wine from the portion of the Class R licensed premises dedicated to retail sales of alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumption, and to thereafter consume the same within the tasting room.
      (9)   Class R licensees shall be prohibited from selling, providing or offering food for on-premises consumption within a tasting room, from permitting tasting room patrons to consume food within a tasting room whether purchased or obtained on or off the Class R licensed premises, and from inviting, permitting or authorizing any food truck licensed under the provisions from Chapter 129 from operating on or from any real property owned or controlled by any Class R licensee, including but not limited to any parking lot available for use by customers of the Class R licensed premises.
      (10)   All premium beer or wine to be served by a Class R licensee to patrons of a tasting room shall be served by an employee of the endorsement holder who has successfully completed a T.I.P.S. alcohol training and certification course conducted by the Police Department or a B.A.S.S.E.T. program approved by the Illinois State Liquor Control Commission within a period of one year immediately prior to the date(s) during which the Class R licensee proposes to serve such premium beer or wine as herein contemplated.
   (S)   Class S license. A Class S license shall authorize the retail sale for on-premises consumption of bottled or canned beer or wine only to the exclusion of any form of spirits or to the service of any form of draft or tap beer or wine, in accordance with the limitations and conditions hereinafter set forth in this division (S). The annual fee for a Class S license shall be $500 per year. All sales of bottled or canned beer or wine for on-premises consumption by a Class S licensee shall comply with the following limitations and conditions:
      (1)   Notwithstanding anything in this chapter to the contrary. no Class S licensee shall sell any beer or wine after 10:00 p.m. under any circumstances. All beer and wine sold by a Class S licensee for on-premises consumption shall be sold from single serve manufacturer packaged cans or bottles having a volume not in excess of 12 fluid ounces. No such beer or wine may be sold to any person who is not a bona fide customer or patron of the business to which the Class S sales or beer and wine are incidental with an appointment for service with such business on the date on which such beer and wine are sold or served. No such customer shall be served more than a total of three such cans or bottles of beer or wine during any one calendar day.
      (2)   Not more than 25% of the gross revenues from the Class S licensee's business operations during any 12 month period shall be derived from the sale of beer or wine permitted by the Class S license. All Class S licensees shall maintain documentation demonstrating compliance with the foregoing standard available for inspection on the request of the Local Liquor Control Commissioner.
      (3)   The size of the licensed premises for which a Class S license may be issued shall be not less than 900 square feet nor more than 2,100 square feet. Not more than 15% of the premises for which a Class S license is issued may be used for the conduct of Class S licensee licensed activities, including service/prep/ storage areas, and customer patron seating/ consumption areas. No portion of the Class S premises shall contain any bar or like structure or article of furniture at which any customer or patron of the licensed premises would be permitted to stand or sit for the purpose of consuming beer or wine otherwise permitted to be sold and served by a Class S licensee, provided, however, that subject to the foregoing, a Class S licensee may provide a service counter or bar for the exclusive use of staff of the Class S licensee in connection with the storage, preparation and service of beer or wine otherwise permitted to be sold by the licensee, and may provide couches, lounge chairs or comparable furniture for seating for customers or patrons of the licensee while consuming beer or wine otherwise permitted to be sold by the Class S licensee.
      (4)   The sale for on-premises consumption of bottled or canned beer or wine by a Class S licensee shall be incidental to the conduct by the Class S licensee of the business of a salon or spa, or an establishment providing instruction and or space for the conduct of artistic activities including but not necessarily limited to painting, drawing, sculpting or other crafts. Except as otherwise necessarily required or contemplated by the preceding sentence, no live entertainment shall be permitted on the premises of a Class S licensee.
      (5)   Class S licensees shall be ineligible to apply for or receive a video gaming endorsement under the provisions of this chapter, and shall further be prohibited from conducting any raffles or any other form of gaming or gambling on the licensed premises, whether or not otherwise allowed or permitted by state law or regulation.
      (6)   No food shall be prepared on the premises of a Class S licensee, but a Class S licensee shall be permitted to serve food to patrons that has been prepared off of the premises of the Class S licensee.
      (7)   No Class S licensee shall contract with, make arrangements with or otherwise cause any food truck licensed or required to be licensed under the Village Code of Ordinances from conducting its ordinary business operations at any location within the vicinity of the Class S licensed premises, including but not limited to any parking area available for use by the customers of the Class S licensed premises.
      (8)   No Class S licensee shall cause, sponsor or permit the conduct of any special event or gathering outside of or at any location within the vicinity of the licensed premises, including but not limited to any parking area available for use by customers of the Class S licensed premises.
      (9)   All beer or wine to be served by a Class S licensee shall be served by an employee of the licensee who has successfully completed a T.I.P.S. alcohol training and certification course conducted by the Police Department or a B.A.S.S.E.T. program approved by the Illinois State Liquor Control Commission within a period of one year immediately prior to the date(s) during which the Class S licensee proposes to serve such beer or wine as herein contemplated.
   (T)   Classes E and R promotional endorsement. A promotional endorsement may be issued to a holder of a Class E license or a Class R license to permit the tasting or sampling of alcoholic liquor for promotional purposes, on a temporary and intermittent basis for not more than three consecutive or non-consecutive days per month, where no direct or indirect charge is imposed in connection therewith. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no holder of a Class E license shall be authorized to apply for or receive a promotional endorsement unless such licensee has a primary business purpose other than the retail sale of alcoholic liquors, which purpose is other than the retail sale of gasoline or similar fuels for motor vehicles and occupies licensed premises consisting of not less than 14,000 square feet in area devoted primarily to the sale of products other than alcoholic liquor. No portion of alcoholic liquor provided by the endorsement holder for sampling or tasting purposes shall exceed one ounce in volume of wine, two ounces of beer, or one-quarter ounce of any other alcoholic liquor, and no individual person may be provided more than three such tasting or sampling portions during a given calendar day. The sampling or tasting shall be attended and supervised by a full-time employee of the licensee and only in a designated area on the licensed premises, and shall be subject to such further regulation as deemed necessary by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner. No Class E or Class R licensee shall permit the tasting or sampling of any alcoholic liquor on the licensed premises without first having obtained a promotional endorsement as herein specified. The annual fee for a Class E or Class R promotional endorsement shall be $100.
('71 Code, Ch. 2 § 2-4) (Ord. 223, passed 1-8-64; Am. Ord. 386, passed 1-16-74; Am. Ord. 505, passed 8-18-76; Am. Ord. 836, passed 11-3-82; Am. Ord. 2249-94, passed 1-5-94; Am. Ord. 2530-98, passed 1-21-98; Am. Ord. 2556-98, passed 5-6-98; Am. Ord. 2671-99, passed 6-21-99; Am. Ord. 2704-99, passed 40-6-99; Am. Ord. 2780-00, passed 7-19-00; Am. Ord. 2787-00, passed 9-6-00; Am. Ord. 0068-02, passed 9-18-02; Am. Ord. 09-0797, passed 11-18-09; Am. Ord. 11- 0913, passed 7-6-11; Am. Ord. 12- 0978, passed 4-18-12; Am. Ord. 14-1114, passed 4-16-14; Am. Ord. 15-1183, passed 3-18-15; Am. Ord. 15-1200, passed 8-5-15; Am. Ord. 15-1231, passed 11-18-15; Am. Ord. 16-1262, passed 3-2-16; Am. Ord. 16-1274, passed 4-20-16; Am. Ord. 16-1275, passed 4-20-16; Am. Ord. 16-1299, passed 7-6-16; Am. Ord. 19-1551, passed 3-20-19; Am. Ord. 19-1552, passed 3-20-19; Am. Ord. 19-1553, passed 3-20-19; Am. Ord. 19-1583, passed 7-7-19; Am. Ord. 19-1595, passed 9-18-19; Am. Ord. 21-1711, passed 7-21-21; Am. Ord. 22-1765, passed 3-16-22; Am. Ord. 22-1780, passed 5-18-22; Am. Ord. 22-1789, passed 8-17-22; Am. Ord. 22-1793, passed 9-7-22; Am. Ord. 23-1851, passed 5-3-23)
   Late hour permit, hours of sale, see § 112.08