Off-street parking areas shall conform to the regulations of Chapter 1187 and to the parking requirements set forth below:
   (a)   Schedule 1157.11 Minimum Parking Setbacks. Off-street parking shall be located in compliance with the minimum setbacks, measured from the street right-of-way or property line, as specified below unless otherwise noted. The area within the parking setbacks shall remain unobstructed by structures except as otherwise permitted in this Code.
Schedule 1157.11
Minimum Parking Setbacks
Multi-family Districts
(1)    Minimum Setback from Street ROW
10 feet
(2)    Setback from Side and Rear Lot Lines
10 feet
   (b)   The area within the parking setback shall be landscaped in accordance with Chapter 1185, Landscaping and Screening Regulations.
   (c)   Off-street parking spaces shall be provided in compliance with Chapter 1187, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations.