Land area shall be divided and developed, and buildings shall be erected, altered, moved or maintained in the Single-family Attached District only in compliance with the following regulations.
   (a)   Minimum Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit. The gross area of a tract of land shall not be less than the minimum lot area per unit as set forth in the Schedule 1155.05, except as otherwise regulated in Chapter 1183, Conditional Use Regulations. The entire tract of land to be developed shall be considered one zoning lot.
   (b)   Minimum Lot Width. The width of the zoning lot for the project shall not be less than the dimensions set forth in Schedule 1155.05, except as otherwise regulated in Chapter 1183, Conditional Use Regulations. In a development containing single-family attached dwellings and single-family detached grouped dwellings, buildings may be arranged in a group and all buildings need not front on a public street.
   (c)   Maximum Lot Coverage. The maximum coverage of the lot, for all areas covered by buildings and impervious surfaces, shall not exceed the percentage of the total area of the development project set forth in Schedule 1155.05, except as otherwise regulated in this Development Code.
   (d)   Schedule 1155.05 Lot Regulations.  
Schedule 1155.05
Lot Regulations
Single-family Attached District
(1) Minimum Lot Width
100 feet
(2) Minimum Lot Area per Dwelling Unit:
4500 square feet
(3) Maximum lot coverage:
A. By buildings
B. By All Impervious Surfaces