General Provisions
150.001 Fire limits
Adoption of Regulatory Codes by Reference
150.015 Scope; application of regulations
150.016 Compliance with Codes
150.017 Residential Building Code adopted
150.018 Plumbing Code adopted
150.019 Mechanical/Fuel Gas Code adopted
150.020 Electrical Code adopted
150.021 Amendments to Codes
150.022 Copies of Codes filed with Building Inspector
Permit Requirements
150.035 Permits required
150.036 Contents of application for permit
150.037 Plans and specifications to accompany application for permit
150.038 Limitations on issuance of permit
150.039 Issuance of permit
150.040 Permit revocation
150.041 Time limitations on validity of permit
150.042 Changes in work after permit issued
150.043 Schedule of permit fees
Condemnation, Repair and Demolition of Unsafe Buildings or Structures
150.055 Building Inspector; duties
150.056 Duty of owner; procedure; action taken when owner refuses to act
150.057 Notice and hearing
150.058 Issuance of order to remedy or demolish
150.059 Appeal; finality if not appealed
150.060 Report when owner fails to comply
150.061 Order of City Council; assessment of costs
150.062 When notice of City Council hearing required
150.063 Presumption of danger to public
150.064 Willful failure or refusal to comply with orders
Inspection Department
150.075 Organization
150.076 Duties of Department and Inspectors
150.077 Enforcement of Land Use Code
150.078 Duty of Inspection Department regarding housing
150.079 Inspection procedure; certificate of occupancy
150.080 Powers of inspection officials
150.081 Extraterritorial jurisdiction of Building Inspector
150.082 Reports and records
150.083 Conflicts of interest
150.084 Oversight not to legalize violation