For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ALLEY. A public way used primarily as a service access to the rear or side of a property which abuts on a street.
ARTERIAL ROADWAY NETWORK PLAN. The portion of the Comprehensive Plan, if adopted, providing and planning for the present and future system of streets for the village.
AS-BUILT PLANS. Final plans showing any changes from the construction plans, indicating in detail how the project was constructed. Such plans show all public facilities as built on the surface and underground, both on public property and on easements and also indicate all private utility locations that are known. Details shown include: sanitary and storm sewers, manholes, invert grades, benchmarks, location of sanitary sewer laterals, street inlets, hydrants, general flow of surface water and grades for drainage swales on the lot. The AS-BUILT PLANS carry the seal of a registered professional engineer certifying that construction was completed in conformance with the plans and specifications.
BLOCK. A tract of land bounded by streets, or by a combination of streets, parks, railroad rights-of-way or bodies of water.
COLLECTOR STREETS. Streets penetrating neighborhoods collecting traffic from local streets and channeling it into the arterial street system. A minor amount of through traffic may be expected, but collector streets primarily provide land access service and carry local traffic movements within residential neighborhoods and commercial and industrial areas.
COVENANTS. A private agreement written into the deed in which property owners of the development promise to do or refrain from doing certain acts.
CUL-DE-SAC. A permanent street with a single access point that ends in a turnaround and cannot be further extended without taking property not dedicated as a street. A CUL-DE-SAC begins at its point of intersection with a street with multiple access.
DEDICATE. To transfer ownership of land, either fee simple or a partial interest, for a public use and for a public body to accept it for that public use.
DRAINAGE COURSE. A natural watercourse, swale, depression or ditch for the drainage of surface waters and storm waters.
EASEMENT. A liberty, privilege or advantage which a party or the general public may have regarding the land of another. The remainder of the rights in the land remain in the hands of the owner who retains the legal title.
EXISTING TOWNSHIP HIGHWAY. Any public road in the township which is owned and maintained by the township.
FINAL PLAT. The drawing of a subdivision prepared in the manner and containing the data, documents and information required by this chapter showing lots of record and which is to be recorded.
FLAG LOT. A lot located behind another lot or parcel with access to a public street only by a narrow strip of land extending from the buildable area of the lot to the street.
IDOT. The Illinois Department of Transportation.
IEPA. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT. A form of land subdivision which involves the construction of a multi-family or commercial building on a lot or parcel of land seven acres or more in size or two or more principal multi-family or commercial buildings on a lot or parcel of land of any size served by an internal street and utility distribution.
LOCAL STREETS. Streets not classified in a higher system which primarily provide direct access to abutting land and access to higher types of roadways. They offer the lowest level of mobility being the narrowest and shortest streets in the street system. Service to through traffic is deliberately discouraged.
LOCATION MAP. A preliminary drawing or map of a proposed subdivision containing the data and information required by this chapter.
LOT. The tract within a subdivision marked by the subdivider as a numbered tract to be offered as a unit of land for sale or transfer of ownership.
MAJOR ARTERIAL STREETS AND ROADWAYS. The highest traffic volume corridors serving major activity centers and the longest trip desires. Service to abutting land is subordinate to the provision of travel service to major traffic movements. They are normally spaced on a one-mile grid pattern and may include expressways.
MAY. Means something is discretionary.
(1) Streets and roadways which interconnect with and augment the major arterial street system and provide service trips of moderate length at a somewhat lower level of travel mobility than major arterials.
(2) MINOR ARTERIALS place more emphasis on land access and distribute travel to geographic areas smaller than those identified with major arterials.
MINOR SUBDIVISION. The creation of a total of up to four lots (counting the original tract from which the lots are created) which front along a public road.
OFFICIAL PLAN or COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. The Riverton, Illinois, Comprehensive Plan, if adopted.
(1) Any or all persons, entities, trusts or corporation holding legal title to the land to be subdivided.
(2) If the OWNER is a trust, all beneficiaries shall be listed as OWNERS.
(3) If the OWNER is a corporation, all principals and officers shall be listed as OWNERS.
PAVEMENT WIDTH. The distance from the edge of the pavement to the edge of the pavement, but not including curb and gutter.
PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. A form of land subdivision that allows the development of ten or more acres of land with variations of some of the restrictions of standard zoning and subdivision regulations.
PLANNING COMMISSION or COMMISSION. The Riverton Planning Commission.
PLAT. The action of officially subdividing land or the final plat which is approved by the village and recorded.
PLATS OFFICER. The Zoning Administrator of the Village of Riverton.
PRELIMINARY PLAN. A plan of proposed subdivision or greater area prepared in the manner and containing the data, documents and information required by this chapter.
PRINCIPAL BUILDING. A building in which the principal use of the lot on which it is located is conducted.
PRIVATE STREET. A purported street, way or strip of land reserved for the use of a limited number of persons or purposes and which is not a publicly dedicated street.
PUBLIC CROSSWALK. A ten-foot right-of-way through the interior of a block in which a sidewalk meeting the construction standards of this chapter is built.
PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT. Any street, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, drainage way, water main, sidewalk, parkway or other facility which the village or other governmental unit owns, maintains and operates.
PUBLIC STREET. A street owned and maintained by a governmental body.
RECORD. To file a final plat approved by the village with the County Recorder of Deeds.
RIGHT-OF-WAY. A strip of land which has been dedicated in fee simple to a public body for streets, alleys and other public improvements as determined by the public body.
SANITARY SEWER. A constructed conduit connected with the sewer system that is designed to carry liquids and solids other than storm water to the Springfield Metro Sanitary District sanitary sewer treatment plants.
SERVICE ACCESS STREET. A street parallel to and adjacent to a major arterial which provides access from the arterial to abutting properties.
SETBACK. The minimum horizontal distance required between the building and the lot line adjoining the street right-of-way.
SHALL. Something is mandatory.
SKETCH PLAN. A general layout of a proposed subdivision prepared in the manner and containing the information required by this chapter.
STORM SEWER. A constructed conduit for carrying storm water to a drainage course.
STORM WATER. Water from roof downspouts, basement footing perimeter drains and yard drains as well as surface runoff.
STUB STREET. A street which is intended to be extended, but which temporarily ends.
SUBDIVIDER. Any or all owners, agents or persons controlling land who commence proceedings under this chapter by submitting location and sketch maps to the Planning Commission office or by making land improvements in the form of buildings, drives and utilities, but not necessarily involving the actual division of land.
(1) The:
(a) Division of land into two or more parts, any of which is less than five acres in size (see § 155.005(A) of this chapter for exemptions);
(b) Dedication of streets or easements of access; or
(c) Creation of a planned unit development.
(2) In the event a subdivision is a planned unit development, the standards and regulations of this chapter shall govern.
SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS. The County Superintendent of Highways.
SURETY. A bonding agency that is financially qualified to do business in the state.
THROUGH LOT. Any lot which is not a corner lot and which adjoins two streets that are parallel or within 45 degrees of being parallel to each other.
TOWNSHIP HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER. The Township Highway Commissioner for the township in which the subdivision is located.
TRACT SURVEY. A land survey, made by a state professional land surveyor, complying with the requirements of § 1 of an Act to Revise the Law in Relation to Plats (765 ILCS Ch. 205/0.01), as now or hereafter amended.
TRAFFIC-CONTROL DEVICE. Any sign, signal marking or device placed on or adjacent to a street or highway by authority of the village, the Illinois Department of Transportation or the County Superintendent of Highways.
VILLAGE. The Village of Riverton, Illinois.
VILLAGE CLERK. The Village Clerk of the village.
VILLAGE’S CONSULTING ENGINEER. The professional engineer appointed or designated by the Village Board of Trustees.
WATER DEPARTMENT. The Water Department of the village.
ZONING ADMINISTRATOR. The Zoning Administrator of the village.
(Prior Code, §150.006) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996; Ord. 15-027, passed 10-5-2015; Ord. 19-018, passed 5-20-2019)
(A) The Zoning Administrator of the village shall be the staff person primarily responsible for administering this chapter.
(B) The Zoning Administrator shall:
(1) Accept all plats and other documents for filing with the village;
(2) Ensure that the proper number of plats and other documents as required by this chapter are filed by the subdivider;
(3) Ensure the timely and proper dissemination of all plats and other documents to interested parties;
(4) Perform whatever staff work is required by the Planning Commission;
(5) Assure collection of all fees required by this chapter;
(6) Pay all such fees over to the General Fund of the village; and
(7) Ensure, prior to the approval and signing of any final plat, that all necessary fees have been paid by the subdivider.
(C) In addition to these general duties, the Zoning Administrator shall have all other duties required by this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 150.007) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
(A) A subdivider may request a variance of the requirements of this chapter. Application for a variance shall be made in writing and submitted with the location and sketch maps unless the need is not then evident. Variance applications shall clearly state the provisions to be varied and the reasons why the variance is needed. In all cases, variance requests shall be made no later than the time the preliminary plan is reviewed by the Planning Commission.
(B) If, as a result of changes imposed by the Planning Commission at its preliminary plan review meeting, the subdivider desires a variance, it may be requested orally at that meeting.
(C) The Planning Commission shall recommend approval or disapproval of the requested variance by the Village Board. Along with its recommendation, the Planning Commission shall transmit findings to the Village Board as to whether the requested variance complies with the following requirements:
(1) The intent of this chapter is maintained;
(2) Extraordinary circumstances of topography, land ownership, adjacent development or other circumstances not provided for in the chapter exist;
(3) The extraordinary circumstances will result in a hardship, not merely an inconvenience;
(4) The circumstances upon which the request for variance is based are not common to most other tracts of land;
(5) The circumstances upon which the request for variance is based are not the result of the subdivider’s affirmative act or failure to act; and
(6) The purpose of a variation is not based exclusively on the desire to eliminate development costs at the expense of the public improvement standards as outlined in this chapter.
(D) (1) When the Village Board considers the preliminary plan, it shall consider the requested variance.
(2) The Village Board may, if it finds that the requirements of division (C) above are met, approve the plan with the requested variation; or it may require conditions to the variation if it believes the conditions are in the public interest; or it may, in its discretion, deny the variation and insist on the literal application of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 150.073) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
(A) If a minor subdivision location map is disapproved by the Planning Commission, the subdivider may file a petition within 30 days of the Planning Commission’s decision with the Village Clerk asking for review of the Commission’s decision by the Village Board.
(B) The petition shall point out those parts of the Commission’s decision to which the subdivider objects.
(C) (1) A public hearing shall be conducted by the Village Board after a one week’s notice has been mailed by the Village Clerk to the subdivider.
(2) During the hearing, the Village Board shall review the sufficiency or the propriety of the plan in light of the Planning Commission’s decision.
(3) Upon conclusion of the hearing, the Village Board may affirm or modify the decision of the Planning Commission or approve the location map or site plan.
(Prior Code, § 150.074) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
(A) Whenever this chapter requires an act to be performed by the village within a certain time, the time requirement may be extended by agreement of the subdivider and the village.
(B) Delays resulting from the failure of the subdivider to promptly supply information required by the village shall automatically extend the time in which the village must act.
(Prior Code, § 150.075) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
The following is the dedication of public improvement form.
[THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER] DEDICATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ATTACHED TO REAL ESTATE AND BILL OF SALE FOR PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR SUBDIVISION, PLAT This dedication and bill of sale is made by “Grantor” in favor of the Village of Riverton, Illinois, an Illinois municipal corporation. WHEREAS, Grantor was the owner of certain property platted as Plat No. of Subdivision, and said plat of subdivision in the Village of Riverton was recorded on as document no. with the Recorder of Deeds of Sangamon County, Illinois; WHEREAS, pursuant to § 3 of the Illinois Plat Act, the acknowledgment and recording of the plat was a conveyance in fee simple of such portions of the platted premises as were marked and noted on the Plat as donated or granted to the public, including all easements and rights-of-way; WHEREAS, pursuant to the Village of Riverton Subdivision Ordinance, the public improvements constructed on the platted premises are not considered to be accepted by the Village of Riverton until the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance are met and this dedication of public improvements and bill of sale for personal property is recorded by the Village of Riverton along with a resolution or ordinance accepting the dedication. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and in consideration of the Village of Riverton’s acceptance of title to and all further responsibilities with respect to the public improvements contained on said plat of said subdivision, the grantor does hereby dedicate and convey to the Village of Riverton, Illinois, all of the improvements to real property included within the roadway rights-of-way depicted on said plat, including, but not limited to, roads, curbs, gutters and sidewalks. Grantor hereby grants, sells, transfers and delivers to the Village of Riverton, Illinois, the following goods, chattels and other items of personal property attached to or constructed within said subdivision: 1. Each and every part and item of a system of storm sewers, within public rights-of-way of said plat of subdivision for the purpose of collection, transport and flow of storm waters. This transfer does not include any retention or detention works or drainage swales, ditches and depressions or storm sewers not within a public right-of-way which will remain the maintenance responsibility of the individual lot owners or the homeowners association, as the case may be. 2. Each and every part and item of a system for the collection, transportation and treatment of sanitary sewage by the sewer system of the Village of Riverton within said plat, excepting those pipes which transport the sewage of a single building into a sewer main and commonly known as a house or building service. 3. Each and every part and item of a system for distribution of water provided by the waterworks system of the Village of Riverton within said plat, except the pipes which transport water from the meter pit to a building, and commonly known as a house or building service. 4. Each and every part and item of a system for the distribution of electricity provided by the electrical system of the Village of Riverton within said subdivision, except the electrical equipment and wires on the user side of the electric transformer or pedestal and commonly known as a house or building service. 5. Each and every part and item for the distribution of natural gas provided by the gas system of the Village of Riverton, on the village side of the meter, and including the meter. Grantor hereby covenants that it is the lawful owner of the aforedescribed goods, chattels and personalty; that subject to the prior dedication of rights to the Village of Riverton in connection with recordation of the plat it is the lawful owner of the aforedescribed improvements to real property; and such items are free from all encumbrances; that grantor has the right to sell the same or dedicate the same as aforesaid, and that the grantor warrants and will defend the same against the claims and demands of all persons. Grantor assigns to the Village of Riverton all outstanding warranties and guaranties by any contractor or subcontractor with respect to any public works dedicated or conveyed pursuant to this instrument. This dedication and sale is effective upon its acceptance by ordinance or resolution of the Village of Riverton, Illinois, and recordation of same with the Recorder of Deeds of Sangamon County, Illinois. SIGNED AND ACKNOWLEDGED this day of , . Authorized Signature SUBSCRIBED AND ACKNOWLEDGED before me this day of , . Notary Public |
(Prior Code, Ch. 150, App. A-1)
The following is the subdivison review procedure.
Number of Prints | Reviewed By | Payment | Approval Valid For |
Number of Prints | Reviewed By | Payment | Approval Valid For | |
Location map Minor subdivision | 10 | RPC | None | 1 year |
Location and sketch maps | 10 | RPC | None | 1 year |
Preliminary plan | 12 | RPC Village Board | $100 | 3 years |
Construction plans | 3 | Village Engineer | Plan and inspection fee - See Note 2 | As long as prelim. current |
Final plat | 12 | RPC Village Board | $100 plus plan review and inspection fee - See Note 2 | 2 years |
Preliminary plan reaffirmation | 12 | RPC Village Board | None | 3 years renewable time |
Minor subdivision | 10 | RPC Village Board | $100 | 2 years |
Large scale development | 12 | RPC Village Board | $10 plus plan review and inspection fee - See Note 2 | |
Note 1: RPC = Riverton Planning Commission | ||||
Note 2: Plan review and inspection fee - .7% of estimated construction cost | ||||
(Prior Code, Ch. 150, App. A-4)