§ 155.001 TITLE.
   This chapter may be cited as “The 1996 Land Subdivision Ordinance of the Village of Riverton, Illinois”.
(Prior Code, § 150.001) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
   (A)   The subdivision jurisdiction of the village shall include all land within the corporate limits of the village. If a Comprehensive Plan is adopted, the subdivision jurisdiction shall be extended to include all unincorporated land within one and one-half miles of the corporate limits of the village.
   (B)   When the one and one-half mile subdivision jurisdiction of the village and that of another municipality overlap, a contractual agreement between the village and the other municipality may be established which designates subdivision jurisdiction boundaries in the overlap area. In the absence of such an agreement, the jurisdiction shall extend to a median line equidistant from the village’s boundary and the boundary of the other municipality nearest to the boundary of the village at any given point on the line.
(Prior Code, § 150.002) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
§ 155.003 PURPOSE.
   (A)   It is the purpose of this chapter to promote growth and development and to regulate and control the division of land within the subdivision approval jurisdiction of the village in order:
      (1)   To provide for the legal and orderly division of land by requiring proper description, monumentation and recording of subdivided land; and
      (2)   To promote growth of the community which protects the public health and safety and provides essential public services to existing and future residents.
   (B)   The goals of this chapter shall be to promote:
      (1)   Conformance with the Village Comprehensive Plan, if adopted;
      (2)   Provision of adequate public services including public water and sewer, electricity and police and fire protection to land to be developed;
      (3)   Prevention of leap frog and scattered development;
      (4)   Protection of the area’s public water supply;
      (5)   Prevention of development on unsuitable land;
      (6)   Provision of safe and efficient street network;
      (7)   Prevention of agricultural/residential conflicts;
      (8)   Conservation and protection of natural resources;
      (9)   Prevention of inappropriate development in or filling of the 100-year floodplain;
      (10)   Establishment of lots that are of a practical size and shape; and
      (11)   Enhancement and preservation of aesthetic qualities.
(Prior Code, § 150.003) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
   If any section, provision or portion of this chapter is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the chapter shall not be affected by that decision.
(Prior Code, § 150.004) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for a subdivider of land within the subdivision jurisdiction of the village to subdivide land into lots, blocks, streets, alleys or public open space unless by plat in accordance with the laws of the state and the provisions of this chapter. It shall be unlawful to divide land without obtaining tract survey approval, when required.
   (B)   The provisions of this chapter shall not apply, except as noted with respect to tract surveys, and no plat is required in any of the following instances (Plats Act, 765 ILCS 205/0.01 et seq.):
      (1)   The division or subdivision of land into parcels or tracts of five acres or more in size which does not involve any new streets or easements of access;
      (2)   The division of lots or blocks of less than one acre in any recorded subdivision which does not involve any new streets or easements of access;
      (3)   The sale or exchange of parcels of land between owners of adjoining and contiguous land except where the transfer results in the creation of another buildable lot;
      (4)   The conveyance of parcels of land or interests therein for the use as a right-of-way for railroads or other public utility facilities and other pipelines which does not involve any new streets or easements of access;
      (5)   The conveyance of land owned by a railroad or other public utility which does not involve any new streets or easements of access;
      (6)   The conveyance of land owned for highway or other public purposes or grants or conveyances relating to the dedication of land for public use or instruments relating to the vacation of land impressed with a public use;
      (7)   Conveyances made to correct descriptions in prior conveyances;
      (8)   The sale or exchange of parcels or tracts of land following the division into no more than two parts of a particular parcel or tract of land existing on 7-17-1959, and not involving any new streets or easements of access. If a division is made prior to 10-1-1973, for which an exemption is claimed pursuant to this division (B)(8), and the division results in one part being greater than five acres and the other part being less than five acres, then the subsequent division of the part greater than five acres shall qualify for the exemption set forth in division (B)(9) below. If a division is made on or after 10-1-1973, for which an exemption is claimed pursuant to this division (B)(8) and the division results in one part being greater than five acres and the other part being less than five acres, then the subsequent division of the part greater than five acres shall not qualify for the exemption set forth in division (B)(9) below;
      (9)   The sale of a single lot less than five acres from a tract of five acres or larger when a survey is made by a registered surveyor; provided, however, that, this exemption shall not apply to the sale of any subsequent lots from the same larger tract of land, as determined by the dimensions and configuration of the larger tract on 10-1-1973; and, provided that, this exemption does not invalidate any other local requirements applicable to the subdivision of the land; and
      (10)   The division of a lot of record as of 1-1-1996, if the new lots created by such division, together with any structures existing as of the date of the division, meet all requirements of Ch. 157 of this code of ordinances for the village with respect to the zoning district in which such new lots are located, and not involving any new streets or easements of access; provided, however, that, this exemption shall not apply to the further division of any lots created thereby.
   (C)   A tract survey shall be required for a division or subdivision of land for which no plat is required under division (B) above. All tract surveys shall be approved and recorded in accordance with §§ 155.180 through 155.183 of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 150.005) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)