General Provisions
70.01 Scope
70.02 Definitions
Signs and Signals
70.15 Obedience to signs and signals required
70.16 Defacing, injuring signs or signals
Traffic Code Enforcement
70.30 Traffic violation notices to be furnished to police
70.31 Method of issuing traffic and parking violation notices
70.32 Illegally parked vehicles; registered owner responsible
70.33 Impoundment of illegally parked vehicles; procedure
70.34 “Vehicle pound” defined
70.35 Removal from impoundment
70.36 Liability for impoundment charges and towing fees
70.37 Additional remedies
70.38 Additional remedy by complaint
70.39 Payment of penalty due
70.40 Receipts for payment
70.99 Penalty
(A) This title shall be known as the “Riverton Traffic Code” or as the “traffic code”. Where a section of the traffic code is followed by a reference to the Illinois Revised Statutes, such reference indicates that the section is analogous or similar to such Revised Statutes section.
(B) The provisions of the traffic code are intended to apply to all traffic and to all operators not specifically excepted.
(C) The provisions of the traffic code shall, in no way, limit, alter or otherwise affect the civil or criminal responsibility of any person under the statutes for the state.
(D) The provisions of the ordinances contained in this traffic code, excepting Ch. 72 hereof, are hereby enacted pursuant to the provisions of 625 ILCS 5/11-207 and 5/11-208, and 65 ILCS.
(Prior Code, § 70.001) (Ord. 83, passed 7-7-1952; Ord. 74-003, passed 3-19-1974)
For the purpose of this traffic code, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
DRIVER. Any person who is in actual and physical control of a vehicle.
INTERSECTION. The area embraced in the prolongation of the property lines of two or more streets which join at an angle whether or not such streets cross.
MOTOR VEHICLE. Every vehicle which is self-propelled.
PARK. To stand a vehicle whether occupied or not, for a period of time greater than is reasonably necessary for the actual loading or unloading of persons.
PROPERTY LINE. The line marking the boundary between any street and the lots or property abutting thereon.
ROADWAY. The portion of a street designed or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic.
(Prior Code, § 70.002) (Ord. 83, passed 7-7-1952)
It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to disobey the instructions of any traffic sign or signal placed in view by the authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the village or in accordance with the laws of the state. All signs established by direction of the President and Board of Trustees of the village shall conform to the state standards for traffic signals.
(Prior Code, § 70.005) (Ord. 83, passed 7-7-1952) Penalty, see § 70.99
It shall be unlawful for any person to deface, injure, move or interfere with any official traffic sign or signal.
(Prior Code, § 70.006) (Ord. 83, passed 7-7-1952) Penalty, see § 70.99