Any person, firm or corporation applying for the extension of the village distribution system to provide electric service to the applicant’s premises shall not be granted such service by the village unless and until such applicant shall pay to the village the sum of $750. Such payment shall be payable in advance and is non-returnable. The maximum length of service line to be installed at this cost shall be 75 feet from the property line and such additional lengths as are required shall be paid for by the customer at the cost actually incurred by the village for materials and labor of the additional installation. In addition, whenever a tap-on requires the crossing of a village street or a highway, there shall be a surcharge for the actual cost to the village of boring or excavating the street or highway, as the case may be. If such applicant pays the village the amount of such estimated costs, as estimated by the village and the village extends service to the applicant’s premises, and the estimate exceeds the amount actually expended, then the village shall refund to the applicant any amount by which such estimated cost exceeds the actual cost incurred by the village; if the amount actually expended exceeds the amount of the estimate, then the applicant shall pay to the village any amount by which such actual cost exceeds the estimated cost already paid.
(Prior Code, § 50G.004) (Ord. 2002-06, passed - -; Ord. 2003-003, passed - -; Ord. 2003-032, passed - -; Ord. 2004-021, passed - -; Ord. 2005-005, passed - -; Ord. 2005-010, passed - -; Ord. 2006-001, passed - -; Ord. 2008-001, passed 1-21-2008)