(A) Display Of Permit Placard: The permit placard must be displayed in a prominent space visible from the street during the entire duration of the project. If it cannot be displayed in a front window then it must be mounted as a stand alone weatherproof sign erected in the front yard. Display of the placard is mandatory. Projects not displaying this sign shall be considered in violation of the required permit conditions and risk being shut down. Replacement placards are available at village hall at a cost of twenty dollars ($20.00).
(B) Display Of Construction Signs: All projects that result in an increase in floor area of four hundred (400) square feet or more will be required to display a construction sign to be provided by the village of Riverside at a point no farther than ten feet (10') from the public sidewalk. Said sign will be a minimum of twenty four by thirty inches (24x30") in dimension and shall be posted immediately after the owner and/or contractor meet and attend a preconstruction meeting with village officials to discuss the project.
(C) Preconstruction Meeting Required: A preconstruction meeting with the village building inspector is required prior to the start of any construction of new single-family residences or projects that increase the square footage of lot coverage by four hundred (400) square feet or more.
(D) Definition Of Construction: "Construction" is defined to include job site material deliveries, prestart staging activities and any equipment operation including trucks with backup alarms.
(E) Accessibility, Parking And Loading Plans:
1. During construction of residential property, public sidewalks or streets must not be blocked. Materials are not allowed to be placed or dumped in the streets, parkways or sidewalks. Contractor and/or subcontractor vehicles are to be parked on the legal side of the street and must not obstruct the fire lane.
2. Applications for commercial construction shall include separate plans and specifications showing the location of all work affecting, and all parking and loading activities planned to take place on public streets, sidewalks, and other rights of way. Such plans and specifications shall include, among other things, the location of pavement and sidewalk that may be affected by the proposed work; the impacts on such pavement and sidewalk; the proposed location for all parking of contractor and worker vehicles; the proposed location of any loading or unloading activities to occur within any right of way; proposed fencing or other protective measures; and temporary pavement or other temporary accessibility measures.
3. During construction, construction equipment and vehicles may remain at the site only for the period of time such equipment is required to perform the work. Construction equipment and vehicles shall not be stored on the subject property for an excessive period of time.
4. Only construction vehicles utilized in the construction may be on the subject property. Construction vehicles are limited to any vehicle necessary for the work to be performed. Unless necessary to perform the work, all passenger vehicles, including cars and trucks, must be kept on the street adjacent to the property. If any construction or passenger vehicle is observed blocking a driveway, the vehicle is subject to a fifty dollar ($50.00) fine for each violation.
(F) Materials And Spoils Storage Plans: All applications shall include plans depicting the proposed location for storage of materials, spoil, and construction waste on the subject property. Waste materials may not be placed on the ground and must be containerized for disposal. No waste material shall be left out in the open or uncontained at the close of each day's work. Dumpsters utilized shall be licensed with the village and may not be located on the public right of way. Filled dumpsters must be emptied or covered within twenty four (24) hours. In no event shall a filled dumpster be allowed to remain on site for more than forty eight (48) hours. Construction materials may not be stored in a front yard for a period exceeding seven (7) days.
(G) Fencing: If the permit authorizes demolition or authorizes construction of a new principal structure, addition to a principal structure involving an expansion of the building footprint or renovations to a principal structure where construction materials will be stored outside, then the applicant shall cause a fence to be installed around the perimeter of the subject property, in a location and manner approved by the building inspector. Construction fencing shall be chainlink and a minimum of seventy two inches (72") high and must be post driven or panelized. The fencing shall be screened on the sides and back where facing residences. The fencing shall be installed not more than seven (7) days nor less than four (4) days before commencement of any work or demolition on the subject property pursuant to any permit issued under this section. For interior renovations, or demolitions, the village building inspector shall determine in his/her reasonable discretion the perimeter fencing that is appropriate, if needed to ensure the health and safety of persons and property. Silt fencing shall also be required for any demolition, new principal structure or addition to a principal structure as outlined in subsection 4-13-4(D) of this title to control erosion and sedimentation. The assistant village manager or his or her designee may, in his or her discretion, authorize or require additional fencing, or fencing that does not conform to the requirements of this subsection, where necessary to protect the site or to conform to unique circumstances or site characteristics.
In addition to such perimeter and silt fencing, the applicant shall cause fencing to be installed around every applicable tree according to section 4-1-15 of this chapter. Notice of excavations which may potentially impact foundations of adjoining properties shall be made in accordance with the Illinois adjacent landowner excavation protection act. The requirements of this section shall not apply to the construction of detached garages on the land of a private homeowner.
(H) Containment, Wet Saws Or Water Spray Required: Containment in a garage, or tent, or the use of a wet saw or a water spray for dry saw shall be required for cutting all types of tile, masonry, stone, brick pavers, concrete and pavement. Any person not containing the dust or using a wet saw or water spray shall be issued a "stop work order" and fined one hundred dollars ($100.00).
(I) Sanitation Facilities: One portable toilet shall be provided at every site of construction of a new principal structure, or any other construction where indoor sanitation facilities are not provided, not later than immediately after completion of excavation of the foundation of the new structure. The proposed location of any portable toilet shall be depicted on plans submitted at the time of application for the review and approval of the building commissioner. Portable toilets shall be screened on three (3) sides at all times and be placed in the rear yard where possible.
(J) Street, Sidewalk And Site Cleaning: The applicant shall cause all dirt, mud, gravel, and other debris from the subject property or related to any work conducted on the subject property to be cleaned at least every day from all sidewalks and streets adjoining and in the area of the subject property. The applicant shall also cause all debris and litter on the work site to be cleaned every day work is performed. The village may, but is not obligated to, remove all debris and litter left on and adjacent to the work site without notice to the applicant. The village will issue the applicant a citation and impose a fee pursuant to subsection (R) of this section for failure to comply with this subsection.
(K) Bond Requirement; Timing Of Payment; Amount: If the permit to be issued pursuant to this title authorizes demolition of a principal structure or construction work, the applicant shall post with the village, at the time of issuance of such permit, a site management bond in the form of cash or certified check. Such bond shall be in addition to all other application and processing fees, costs, escrows, bonds, and performance securities required by this title. The bond shall be held by the village. The amount of the site management bond shall be calculated as follows:
1. Demolition or construction of a new principal structure | $3,000.00 |
2. Additions with foundation | 1,000.00 |
3. Additions without foundation or interior remodels with construction values in excess of $100,000.000 | 800.00 |
4. Demolition or construction of an accessory structure 400 square feet in area | 500.00 |
(L) Village's Right To Draw On Bond: The village shall have the right at all times, at its option, to draw on the site management bond for the costs to repair public property damaged by contractors, fines imposed by an administrative hearing officer or judge for violations related to the site, as well as other costs, including, without limitation, legal fees and administrative expenses, incurred or to be incurred by the village in exercising any of its rights under this title in the event: 1) the applicant undertakes any work in violation of any provision of this title or any permit issued or plan approved pursuant to this title and is issued a citation relating thereto, or 2) the applicant fails or refuses to complete any work authorized by any permit issued under this title in accordance with all plans approved in connection with said permit, and is issued a citation relating thereto. After issuance of any citation and after the applicable time period for appeal, the village shall have the right to draw the amount of an applicable fine from the site management bond. The village's determination of such costs shall be based either on costs actually incurred by the village or on the village's reasonable estimates of costs to be incurred.
(M) Replenishment Of Bond: If the village draws on the site management bond, the applicant shall replenish the bond to the full amount required by this subsection within fifteen (15) days after demand is made to the applicant in writing by the village. Any failure of the applicant to replenish the bond shall result in cancellation of the related permit, which permit shall not be reissued thereafter except after the filing of a new application, payment of the permit fee, and establishment of a new site management bond.
(N) Return Of Unused Bond: The village shall return any unused portion of the site management bond to the applicant, without interest, as follows:
1. If the permit authorizes only demolition work, and no construction work is scheduled to take place within sixty (60) days after completion of demolition, then the village shall return the bond within thirty (30) days after final inspection of the restoration of the subject property and approval of the work by the building commissioner.
2. If the permit authorizes any work in addition to demolition work, then the village shall return the money within thirty (30) days after issuance of a final certificate of occupancy.
(O) Three Day Cure Period: The village shall notify the contractor or subcontractor of the violations of this section in writing. Violations must be rectified within three (3) calendar days of the notice. Violations persisting after three (3) calendar days will result in a citation in accordance with section 1-4-1 of this Code. The Village has no duty, however, to notify the applicant and/or contractor of a violation of subsection (J) or (Q) of this section, but instead the Village may immediately proceed pursuant to subsection (R) or (Q), respectively, of this section.
(P) Damage To Property: No person engaged in any work pursuant to a permit shall injure, damage, or destroy any property, public or private, not owned by such person. For the purpose of this section, "person" is construed to include any corporation, partnership or other entity engaged in any work pursuant to a permit. In the event property is injured, damaged or destroyed, the general contractor and/or permit applicant shall be responsible for the damage and shall promptly repair and restore the damaged property at his own expense.
The general contractor or applicant acting as a general contractor shall be responsible for all of the subcontractor's actions and shall be responsible for all of the work in its entirety including means, methods and techniques of construction. The Village reserves the right to complete or cure any and all defects, deficiencies, or damages caused by the general contractor and/or permit applicant and/or property owner to Village and/or public property. The Village reserves the right to use its own forces or contractors hired for the purpose of curing damaged public property stated in the previous sentence. The Village shall have the right to draw on the site management bond provided pursuant to subsection (L) of this section, or to demand payment directly from the applicant or the owner, for the cost of such Village work, including reasonable legal fees and administrative expenses, based either on costs actually incurred by the Village or on the Village's reasonable estimates of costs to be incurred.
Except as provided in this subsection, the Village shall give a written or oral twenty four (24) hour notice and an opportunity to cure to the applicant or general contractor; provided, however, that no such notice and opportunity to cure shall be required after three (3) violations of a condition on or near the subject property that poses a threat of any kind to the public health or safety as determined by the Village.
(Q) Unlawful Continuance: Any person who shall continue to work after having been served a "stop work order" shall be issued a citation and be liable for an additional fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for the first day, two hundred dollars ($200.00) for the second day and five hundred dollars ($500.00) for the third day and each additional day thereafter in which work is continued. For each subsequent day and violation of this subsection, a new citation will be issued.
(R) Fee For Street Cleaning: If the applicant fails to clean all sidewalks and streets adjoining and in the area of the subject property as required by subsection (J) of this section, the applicant shall be issued a citation and pay a special street cleaning fee of three hundred dollars ($300.00) for each violation of said subsection. The Village shall deduct any special fee due pursuant to this subsection from the site management bond provided pursuant to subsection (L) of this section. (Ord. 2904, 4-21-2016; amd. Ord. 3084, 4-15-2021)