(A)   Information Required: No request for a grading permit shall be reviewed until the following items have been submitted to the village:
      1.   Application form;
      2.   Permit fee;
      3.   If required, two (2) copies of the proposed site grading plan.
   (B)   Grading Permit Application Form: The applicant shall submit the grading permit application form supplied by the village and provide the following information:
      1.   Address and permanent index number (PIN) of the site;
      2.   Name, address and telephone number of the applicant(s);
      3.   Name, address and telephone number of all contractors, subcontractors or other persons performing the activities at the site;
      4.   Description and schematic depiction of the project; and
      5.   Signature(s) of the owner(s) of the site.
   (C)   Site Grading Plan:
      1.   Application Review: Upon submittal of a complete application form and grading permit fee, the village engineer will determine whether a site grading plan will be necessary, and if so, the level of plan detail that will be required taking into account and balancing the available resources against the potential risk and potential damage to adjacent property or public rights of way caused by possible water runoff, erosion, sedimentation or drainage. The site grading plan required by the village engineer shall contain only those elements reasonably necessary to identify and remedy the potential risks and potential damage identified during application review.
      2.   Plan Detail: The site grading plan may include one or more (but need not include all) of the following:
         (a)   Name, address and telephone number of the civil engineer(s) responsible for the preparation of the site grading plan;
         (b)   Legend;
         (c)   Scale of drawing;
         (d)   Site address;
         (e)   Existing and proposed topography of the entire site taken at one foot (1') contour intervals;
         (f)   Contour intervals that extend a minimum of twenty five feet (25') off site or a distance sufficient to show on and off site drainage;
         (g)   Site property lines and all drainage easements on, under or across the site;
         (h)   Location and representation of all existing natural drainage and runoff patterns, swales and flows, as well as manmade drainage facilities, and all proposed natural and manmade drainage facilities, including all surface and subsurface drainage devices, walls, cribbing, curbs, and dams on or within fifty feet (50') of the site;
         (i)   Delineation of the drainage area and the drainage area served by all existing down spouts, footing drains and sump pump discharges, and disposition of discharge thereforth;
         (j)   Location of the proposed areas of excavation, fill, storage and disposal of earth materials;
         (k)   Location and identification of existing vegetation, new vegetation to be placed on the site and vegetation to be removed from the site;
         (l)   Location of any existing and proposed buildings and structures including top of foundation, garage slab and elevations of proposed finished grade at all significant points around the proposed building or structure, including window wells, patios and swimming pools;
         (m)   Impervious surface area calculation;
         (n)   Delineation of the measures that will be used to control surface erosion and runoff from the site after all buildings and structures and permanent improvements have been erected on the site;
         (o)   Elevation and description of the bench mark utilized for the site grading plan. Federal emergency management administration datum should be used for all properties located either entirely or partially in the regulatory floodplain;
         (p)   Three (3) to five (5) representative cross sections for each side yard between a neighboring residence and proposed construction. Cross sections shall extend between the top of foundation (T/F) of the proposed residence to the T/F of the existing residence;
         (q)   Locations of all manholes, utility structures, fire hydrants, streetlights, curbs, sidewalks, transformers, junction boxes and pads/pedestals located in the public right of way, or in any easements on the subject property;
         (r)   Certification that the proposed project will not result in drainage, erosion or runoff which adversely impacts adjacent properties or the public rights of way;
         (s)   The applicant may be required to provide notice of the land disturbing activities to any adjacent property owner in the form to be provided by the village.
         (t)   Stormwater Storage Plan. For all projects for which a stormwater storage is required pursuant to subsection 4-13-3(D). a stormwater storage plan shall be included in addition to, or as part of, the Site Grading Plan.
      3.   Submittal Of Site Grading Plan: The site grading plan shall be prepared and stamped by a civil engineer and drawn to a scale of one inch equals twenty feet (1"=20'). The plan shall be submitted on paper which measures eleven inches by seventeen inches (11"x17"). With the prior approval of the village engineer, for certain large or multiparcel projects, the plan may be on paper which is twenty four inches by thirty six inches (24"x36"). Two (2) copies of the site grading plan shall be submitted to the village engineer.
   (D)   Submission Of Additional Data: The village engineer shall review all documentation submitted pursuant to this section and, if deemed necessary to evaluate potential adverse consequences from the proposed land disturbing activity, the village engineer has the authority to request additional data, clarification, or correction of data already submitted.
      1.   Interim Measures: To the extent the village engineer determines that the runoff, erosion, sedimentation or drainage expected to occur while the project is ongoing, and before final grading, will adversely impact adjacent properties or public rights of way, the site grading plan shall also include:
         (a)   Additional detail regarding the intended interim on site storage, placement, fill and disposal of earth materials; and
         (b)   A specific plan to eliminate the adverse impacts identified, including, but not limited to, interim soil stabilization devices and proposed measures for erosion and sedimentation control. All such proposed measures shall be based upon the standards and requirements contained in the latest edition of the "Illinois Urban Manual", compiled by the IEPA and the United States department of agriculture, natural resource conservation service.
      2.   Demolition: Where demolition of existing structures on a site is intended, yet permanent improvements will not be constructed thereon within sixty (60) days from the date of demolition, delineation of measures to control runoff, erosion and sedimentation as required by this section must be provided.
      3.   Final Grading: To the extent the village engineer determines that the proposed final grade, land contour or drainage pattern will, upon project completion, adversely impact adjacent properties or the public rights of way, the site grading plan shall also include:
         (a)   Data regarding the classification, distribution, strength, and erodability of existing soils;
         (b)   Data regarding the nature, distribution, strength and erodability of earth materials, if any are to be placed on the site;
         (c)   Level of water table;
         (d)   Plans for permanent soil stabilization upon project completion;
         (e)   Design criteria for corrective measures, when necessary; and
         (f)   Alternate proposal for final grading that will eliminate the identified adverse impacts.
      4.   As Graded: Upon final completion of the work, the village engineer may require an as graded plan which would include the following:
         (a)   Approved site grading plan;
         (b)   Existing grade surface elevations;
         (c)   Finish grade surface elevations;
         (d)   Lot drainage patterns; and
         (e)   Locations and elevations of all surface and subsurface drainage facilities. (Ord. 2514, 12-20-2004; amd. Ord. 4038, 12-1-2022)