All telephone, electrical and other distribution lines shall be installed in underground conduits; no overhead lines shall be permitted. All underground utilities, sanitary sewers and drainage structures installed in streets shall be constructed prior to the surfacing of such streets.
Manufactured home subdivisions shall be effectively screened on all sides by means of walls, fences, or plantings except where the area is sufficiently removed from other urban uses as determined by the Village Planning Commission. Walls or fences shall be a minimum of four (4) feet in height without advertising thereon. In lieu of such wall or fence, a strip of land not less than 10 feet in width and planted and maintained with an evergreen hedge or dense planting of evergreen shrubs not less than four (4) feet in height may be situated.
Each manufactured home placed in the manufactured home subdivision shall be skirted entirely enclosing the bottom section, within ninety (90) days after its placement. Skirting shall be constructed of vinyl, aluminum, or other material that is specifically designed for skirting.
Manufactured home subdivisions shall be required to provide a storm shelter for the protection of all residents. Storm shelters shall provide four square feet of floor area per resident, have sufficient ventilation, and have a generator of sufficient size to provide power for heat and light. Windows are permissible if provisions are made for their protection by shutters or other similar devices that are designed for immediate installation in the event of sudden emergency. The storm shelter may be used for recreational purposes, laundry facilities or other purposes.