The following design standards shall apply to manufactured home subdivisions.
(a) The subdivision shall contain a minimum of five acres.
(b) Each manufactured home site shall have a clearly defined minimum area of 4,000 square feet, with a minimum lot width of 40 feet, and a minimum depth of 100 feet. The minimum width of corner lots, however, shall be 50 feet.
(c) The subdivision shall have minimum frontage of 250 feet. The ratio of width to depth shall not exceed one to five (1:5).
(d) A side yard on each side of the subdivision and a rear yard of 30 feet or more shall be provided around the edge of the manufactured home subdivision. Such yards shall not be occupied by or counted as part of an individual manufactured home site.
(e) There shall be a minimum clearance of 20 feet between the individual manufactured homes.
(f) A maximum density shall not exceed 6 manufactured homes per gross acre.
Walkways not less than four feet wide which may abut street pavement shall be provided from the manufactured home sites to the service buildings. Such walkways shall be constructed of acceptable impervious material having a minimum thickness of four inches and lighted by not less than three tenths (3/10) foot candle of artificial light.
All telephone, electrical and other distribution lines shall be installed in underground conduits; no overhead lines shall be permitted. All underground utilities, sanitary sewers and drainage structures installed in streets shall be constructed prior to the surfacing of such streets.