(A) HC District intent, permitted uses and special exception uses.
(1) District intent. The HC (Highway Commercial) District is intended to be used as follows.
(a) Use type and intensity. Moderate to high intensity commercial uses.
(b) Application of HC District.
1. Existing and new development; and
2. Small to medium area zoning.
(c) Development standards.
1. Require quality time, place and manner development standards to minimize impacts on adjacent properties while encouraging economic vitality; and
2. Minimize light, noise, water and air pollution.
(d) Appropriate adjacent zoning districts. PR, AG, M2, IS, NC, LC, GC, OC, HC, EP, IC and I1.
(e) Plan Commission. Use the HC District for existing developments and carefully for new commercial development.
(f) Board of Zoning Appeals.
1. Allow a special exception use only when it is compatible with the surrounding areas; and
1. Be sensitive to aesthetics and the potential for light pollution, noise pollution, pedestrian safety and vehicular safety.
(2) Permitted uses.
(a) Accessory permitted uses. Small wind turbine system.
(b) Commercial permitted uses.
1. Automobile oriented business;
2. Bank machine/ATM;
3. Bar/tavern;
4. Gas station;
5. Hotel/motel;
6. Micro-brewery;
7. Micro-distillery;
8. Miniature golf;
9. Office, medical services;
10. Restaurant;
11. Restaurant with drive-up window;
12. Retail (Type 3), medium intensity;
13. Retail (Type 4), high intensity;
14. Retail (Type 5), very high intensity; and
15. Retail (Type 6), special handling.
(c) Institutional permitted uses.
1. Police or fire station; and
2. Rescue station.
(3) Special exception uses.
(a) Accessory special exception uses. Large wind turbine system.
(b) Industrial special exception uses. Telecommunication facility.
(Ord. 10-2010, passed - -2010, § 2.35)
(B) HC District development standards.
(1) Lots.
(a) Minimum lot area. Twenty thousand square feet.
(b) Minimum lot width. One hundred feet.
(c) Sewer and water. Sanitary sewer and water utility required.
(2) Setbacks.
(a) Minimum front yard setback.
1. Twenty feet for primary or accessory structures; and
2. Ten feet for parking lots.
(b) Minimum side yard setback. Twenty-five feet for primary and accessory structures.
(c) Minimum rear yard setback. Twenty-five feet for primary and accessory structures.
(3) Lot coverage.
(a) Maximum lot coverage. Eighty percent of lot area.
(b) Minimum main floor area. One thousand square feet.
(c) Maximum primary structures. Five per lot.
(4) Maximum structure height.
(a) Forty feet for primary structure; and
(b) Twenty feet for accessory structure.
(C) Additional development standards that apply.
(Ord. 10-2010, passed - -2010, § 2.36)