This parking standards section applies to the following zoning districts: PR; UV; IS; NC; LC; GC; OC; CB; HC; EP; IC; I1; I2; and HI. The following standards apply.
   (A)   Quantity.
      (1)   Minimum number.
         (a)   Off-street parking shall be required for all uses as shown in Table PK-A: Minimum Number Of Parking Spaces Per Use. The land use is listed in the left column. The minimum number of parking spaces for employees or tenants is the in middle column, and the minimum number of parking spaces for visitors, clients and customers is in the right column. The minimum number of parking spaces shall be the sum of all three columns. The numbers do not guarantee the quantity needed per use, only minimums are expressed.
         (b)   A development that combines two or more uses or group of adjacent developments may provide a shared parking area if the shared lot provides a minimum of 75% of the required spaces for each use and the Zoning Administrator approves the shared parking area.
         (c)   If a use is not clearly noted in Table PK-A: Minimum Number Of Parking Spaces Per Use, the Zoning Administrator shall determine a use with similar employment and customer characteristics, therefore determining the minimum number of parking spaces required.
      (2)   Additional parking lot landscape requirements for electively larger parking lots. Developments that elect to have more than 130% of the minimum required number of spaces shall be required to increase the minimum required perimeter parking lot landscape material by 25% and increase the minimum number of required parking lot landscape islands by 25%. Developments that elect to have more than 160% of the minimum required number of spaces shall be required to increase the minimum required perimeter parking lot landscape material by 50% and increase the minimum number of required parking lot landscape islands by 50%. See § 165.310 (Parking Lot Planting Standards) for the minimum requirements that shall be increased per this division (A)(2).
      (3)   Bicycle parking. Developments are encouraged to provide bicycle parking areas when appropriate. If provided, bicycle parking areas shall be within 60 feet of the main entryway into the primary structure or be located inside the primary structure. Additionally, a secured bike rack shall be installed to provide the opportunity for secure parking of bicycles.
      (4)   Stacking lanes spaces. The following uses shall provide minimum stacking lane spaces as indicated below:
3 spaces per drive-up ATM
3 spaces per drive-up window lane
Day care center
6 spaces if utilizing curb-side pick-up or drop-off
Dry cleaner
3 spaces if utilizing curb-side pick-up or drop-off
4 spaces for a drive-through window
Place of worship
5 spaces if utilizing curb-side pick-up or drop-off
5 spaces for a drive-through window
10 spaces if utilizing curb-side pick-up or drop-off
Service-type business
3 spaces if utilizing curb-side pick-up or drop-off
   (B)   Design. Parking lots and parking areas shall meet the following criteria.
      (1)   Aisle widths. Minimum parking aisle widths shall be as follows.
         (a)   Sixty-one degree to 90 degree angle spaces shall have a minimum 18 feet wide parking aisle for one-way traffic or minimum 24 feet wide parking aisle for one-way or two-way traffic.
         (b)   Forty-six degree to 60 degree angle spaces shall have a minimum of 18 feet wide parking aisle for one-way traffic.
         (c)   Up to 45 degree angle spaces shall have a minimum 12 feet wide parking aisle for one-way traffic.
      (2)   Aisle exits. All parking aisles shall have an outlet or turn around. Dead-end parking aisles shall not be permitted.
      (3)   Driving lanes. Driving lanes in parking lots that provide access to parking aisles shall be defined by striping, curbs, pavement markings, arrows or parking spaces.
      (4)   Maneuvering. Parking areas shall be designed to prevent vehicles from maneuvering in the right-of-way.
      (5)   Drainage. Parking areas shall be constructed to prevent 95% of a parking lots area from ponding. If areas of parking lots are designed and approved for retention of water they are exempt from this provision.
      (6)   Lighting.
         (a)   If parking lots are illuminated, the light fixtures and poles shall be consistent in color, size, height and design.
         (b)   Parking lot lights shall not exceed 25 feet in height, measured from the bottom of the fixture to the ground.
         (c)   Parking lot lights shall meet all standards in § 165.275 (Lighting Standards).
      (7)   Connectivity.
         (a)   Generally.
            1.   Connectivity to adjacent parking lots shall be required in at least one location.
            2.   This may be accomplished through an aisle connector, frontage street, access street or stub to an adjacent lot zoned for commercial, institutional or industrial use.
         (b)   Cross-access easements.
            1.   Where parking lots connect or are laid out to be connected, a cross-access easement shall be established in accordance with the requirements of § 165.389 (Easement Standards).
            2.   Cross-access easements shall not be less than ten feet in width per lane nor exceed 12 feet in width per lane.
      (8)   Cart corrals.
         (a)   Cart corrals shall be required for all retail businesses with more than 20,000 square feet of retail space that provide shopping carts or the like to customers.
         (b)   Cart corrals shall be made of permanent materials and be anchored to the parking lot surface to prevent them from moving in wind.
         (c)   Cart corrals shall not exceed ten feet in width and 36 feet in length.
         (d)   Cart corrals shall be maintained in good condition and shall not have commercial signs affixed to them.
   (C)   Land banking. A parking lot may be constructed with fewer parking spaces than required in Table PK-A: Minimum Number Of Parking Spaces Per Use if the following standards are met.
      (1)   Space in reserve. Adequate and appropriate space shall be land banked such that the full number of parking spaces required in Table PK-A: Minimum Number Of Parking Spaces Per Use can be constructed on-site at a later date, should the need arise.
      (2)   Full parking lot design.
         (a)   A full and partial parking lot design shall be provided at the time of site plan review showing how the full number of parking spaces required in Table PK-A: Minimum Number Of Parking Spaces Per Use would be installed and how drainage and access would be handled, should the need arise.
         (b)   This design shall be recorded.
      (3)   Recorded plat. The property owner shall also record a plat that clearly denotes the land-banked area, and identifies the area as a “no-build zone”.
      (4)   Limits of land banking. Under no circumstances shall less than 40% of spaces required in Table PK-A: Minimum Number Of Parking Spaces Per Use be permitted to be installed.
(Ord. 10-2010, passed - -2010, § 5.66)