(a) The Mayor shall be a qualified elector of the Municipality and shall have resided continuously in the Municipality for not less than two (2) years immediately prior to the date of the Mayor’s election and during the Mayor’s term shall continue to be a resident and a qualified elector of the Municipality. If the Mayor moves from the Municipality, the Mayor shall forfeit the office immediately.
(b) Except as provided otherwise by this Charter, the Mayor shall not hold any other public office or employment during the Mayor’s term which is incompatible with the Mayor’s elected office, except as otherwise provided in this Charter, and further excepting the office of Notary Public and membership in the State Militia or Reserve Corps of the United States unless called to a full-time military service therein for a period not exceeding 30 days.
(Amended 11-6-18)
(c) As used in this section, the exemption from the prohibition of holding other public office or employment shall be the same as prescribed in Article IV, Section 3 of this Charter.
(d) To the extent, as provided by general law, the Mayor shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit, contract for, receive or be interested in any profit or emolument from, or on account of, any contract, job, work or service with, or for, the Municipality.
(Amended 11-3-98)
(e) A candidate for Mayor must receive a majority of the vote cast for the Office of Mayor in the general election in order to be declared the successful candidate. In the event no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast for the Office of Mayor in the general election, there shall be a run-off election on the first Tuesday afer the first Monday in December between the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes cast. In the event the term of office of Mayor under this Charter is scheduled to commence on December 1st of that same year, the incumbent Mayor shall remain in office until the run-off election is held and the date upon which the final results of the run-off election are certified by the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections.
(Amended 11-4-14)
(f) Based on the powers and duties of the position of Mayor set forth in this Charter and the ordinances of Council, the position of Mayor shall be a fulltime position. The Mayor shall be entitled to the same benefits as all fulltime employees of the Municipality.
(Enacted 11-8-22)