Stormwater Service Fee Crediting Mechanism
959.01   Definitions.
959.02   Title.
959.03   Statutory authorization.
959.04   Purpose.
959.05   Crediting mechanism.
959.06   Maintenance crediting mechanism.
959.07   Stormwater open channel maintenance standards minimum standards.
959.08   Appeal.
   "Credit" means a reduction in a customer's stormwater service fee given for certain qualifying activities which reduce either the impact of increased stormwater runoff or reduces the City's costs of providing stormwater management. The qualifying activities are prescribed herein.
   "Detention facility" means a facility, by means of a single control point, which provides temporary storage of stormwater runoff in ponds, parking lots, depressed areas, rooftops, buried underground vaults or tanks, etc., for future release, and is used to delay and attenuate flow.
   "Public stormwater open channel" means
      (1)   all open channels which convey, in part or in whole, stormwater;
      (2)   is an open channel which has a permanent drainage/stormwater easement owned by the City of Reynoldsburg or is located within City of Reynoldsburg owned property, and
      (3)   drains an area which includes City of Reynoldsburg owned property or public right-of-way. A public stormwater open channel does not include roadside ditches which convey only immediate right-of-way (roadside) drainage.
   "Retention facility" means a facility which provides storage of stormwater runoff and is designed to eliminate subsequent surface discharges.
   "Routing" means an engineering technique described as computation of the movement and attenuation of an inflow hydrograph as it passes through the stormwater system, resulting in a discharge hydrograph at the downstream end of an element such as a pipe, channel, or detention basin, and accounts mathematically for the effects of storage on flow through the element. Level pool routing assumes that a retention/detention facility maintains an "even" or "level" surface water elevation.
   "Stormwater" means stormwater runoff, snow melt runoff, and surface runoff and drainage.
(Ord. 46-96. Passed 3-25-96.)