(a)   All properties other than single-family residential properties who maintain public stormwater open channels are eligible to receive a direct cost reduction (credit) in the property's stormwater service fee.
   (b)   To receive the credit, the property owner must:
      (1)   provide to the City a site plan at appropriate scale indicating the open channel proposed to be maintained, and its tributary area;
      (2)   evidence that the channel meets the definition of public stormwater open channel;
      (3)   evidence indicating the size of the tributary area to the open channel;
      (4)   provide evidence of an easement dedicated to the City;
      (5)   provide a statement signed by the property owner releasing the City from any assumed maintenance activities on the open channel;
      (6)   maintain the open channel to a minimal City standard.
   (c)   For public stormwater open channels draining an area of 10 acres or larger, the property will receive a stormwater service fee credit of one dollar ($1.00) per year per lineal foot of public stormwater open channel maintained and meeting all applicable sections of this regulation.
   (d)   For public stormwater open channels draining an area less than 10 acres, the property will receive a stormwater service fee credit of fifty cents ($0.50) per year per lineal foot of public stormwater open channel maintained and meeting all applicable sections of this regulation.
   (e)   If all requirements and conditions of this section are met, the credit will be applied to the property and become effective the date a completed maintenance credit application was submitted.
   (f)   The credit received by the property owner alone or in combination with all other stormwater credits received cannot exceed 100% of a customer's stormwater service fee.
   (g)   The credit shall be in effect for a period of two years from the effective date of the credit. After the initial application has been submitted and approved in order to continue receiving the credit the customer shall, on a biannual basis, submit a statement certifying that the public stormwater open channel is being maintained to the standards included herein. The City shall, prior to certifications being due, send notification to customers stating that this certification is due.
   (h)   Failure to maintain the open channel to the minimum standards set forth in this regulation shall be reason for forfeiture of a portion or all of this credit. The City shall notify the property owner of this forfeiture and actions necessary to receive full credit.
(Ord. 46-96. Passed 3-25-96.)