No person shall operate a bicycle:
(a) Without due regard for the safety and rights of pedestrians and drivers and occupants of all other vehicles, and so as to endanger the life, limb or property of any person while in the lawful use of the streets or sidewalks or any other public or private property;
(b) Without exercising reasonable and ordinary control over such bicycle;
(c) In a weaving or zigzag course unless such irregular course is necessary for safe operation in compliance with law;
(d) Without both hands upon the handle grips except when necessary to give the required hand and arm signals, or as provided in Section 373.02(d);
(e) At a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing.
(a) Whenever any bicycle is operated by any person, including a minor under the age of twenty-one years, in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, the bicycle may be seized by any member of the Police Department and impounded for a period of time not to exceed thirty days and shall be released upon order of the Chief of Police.
(b) A bicycle so impounded shall be surrendered to the parent or guardian after a full explanation as to the reasons for impounding the bicycle and after such reasons have been corrected by the parent or guardian. A complete record of all impoundings of such equipment shall be kept in the Police Department.
(Ord. 11-63. Passed 2-11-63; Ord. 95-2021. Passed 7-12-21.)