1115.01 Plats.
1115.02 Surveyor’s statement.
1115.03 Insurance.
1115.04 Reserve strips.
1115.05 Plat approval; filing.
1115.06 Bond.
1115.99 Penalty.
Plats - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 711
Summit County Subdivision Regulations - see P. & Z. Ch. 1111
Local Subdivision Regulations - see P. & Z. Ch. 1113
Variances - see P. & Z. Ch. 1115
Endorsement of approval; fees to be paid - see P. & Z. 1119.02
(a) The plat of a proposed subdivision shall show all lots and streets by accurate dimensions and shall be drawn in ink upon good quality tracing cloth. It shall be drawn either to the scale of one inch equals 100 feet, or one inch equals fifty feet. All dimensions shall be shown in feet and decimals of a foot. The plat shall be complete and consistent in itself as to all measurement. The streets sh own on the plat shall be so named that there will be no duplication of any existing street names within Summit County. The plat shall show the location of monuments placed on the ground to define street lines.
(b) A plat showing the location of the terminals of existing streets in adjoining property with such dimensions as are necessary to show their relation to streets which are being dedicated by the plat shall be furnished by the subdivider.
(1978 Code Sec. 1240.03)
The plat shall include a surveyor’s certificate as to the correctness of the data shown thereon which data shall include the location of monuments used in establishing boundary lines and monuments set and to be set in conformity with the terms of these regulations. Guarantees, subject to the approval of Council, shall be submitted that monuments to be set as part of the development of the property will be so set.
Profiles of the streets to be dedicated, showing existing surface elevations on center line and proposed grade of such streets, shall be filed with the
Engineer. Profiles shall be made upon tracing paper to scale. When required by the
Engineer, a topographical map of the territory to be allotted shall be furnished in addition to the street profiles. A duplicate tracing of each street profile shall be furnished to Council.
(1978 Code Sec. 1240.03)
Title insurance in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000), meeting the approval of the
Solicitor, covering the lands to be dedicated, shall be filed with the record plat, showing the title to the dedicated streets good in the name of the Municipality when the plat has been filed for record. Preliminary evidence of title shall be filed prior to acceptance of any proposed dedication of streets.
(1978 Code Sec. 1240.03)