A.   Outdoor cooking over a fire contained in a device or structure designed for such use or residential pit fires. All fire pits must be enclosed with stone, brick or any other fire resistant material. Flames cannot extend more than two feet (2') above the pit.
   B.   Ceremonial campfires or special bonfires, with prior written approval of the fire chief.
   C.   Controlled burning must be:
      1.   Monitored by a responsible person until the fire has extinguished itself completely;
      2.   A garden hose or other extinguishing equipment must be readily available for use;
      3.   Conducted on days when excessive wind or atmospheric conditions will not result in danger to public health or safety;
      4.   Located off the public street pavement or street gutter;
      5.   Located not less than fifteen feet (15') from any building; recommended at least thirty feet (30');
      6.   Only clean wood may be used for outdoor fires. Smoke from an outdoor fire may not create a nuisance for a neighbor or obstruct vision of a roadway;
      7.   All fires must be at least fifteen feet (15') from any lot line.
   D.   Other occasions of desirable outdoor burning not specified by this section, may be granted a single occasion permit by the fire chief. (Ord. 2001-2, 7-2-2001)