Registration shall be made by filing an application with village setting forth the name and address of the owner, together with a complete description of the bicycle, on forms provided for this purpose by the village, and paying a registration fee of two dollars ($2.00). Each registration shall be serially numbered and kept on file in the office of the village clerk as a public record. Upon such registration, the proper village official shall cause an identification tag or license plate to be affixed to the bicycle registered, said identification tag or license plate to be serially numbered to correspond with the registration number. Such tag or license plate shall remain fixed to the bicycle unless removed by order of the authorized village official for cause. The appropriate village official shall inspect each bicycle presented for registration, and may refuse registration of any bicycle found to be in unsafe mechanical condition.
All monies received from fees herein provided shall be placed in the general fund of the village. (Ord., 12-2-1996)