Subd. 1.   Definitions. As used in this section, the following definitions shall apply.
      A.   The term "animals" includes farm animals and all other animals, reptiles and feathered birds or fowl except dogs, cats, gerbils, hamsters and caged household birds.
      B.   The term "farm animals" means cattle, horses, mules, donkeys, sheep, goats, swine, ponies, ducks, geese, turkeys, chickens, rabbits, guinea hens and honey bees.
   Subd. 2.   Keeping. It is unlawful for any person to keep or harbor any animal, not in transit, except:
      A.   Farm animals kept in that portion of the city zoned for agricultural purposes;
      B.   Animals kept in an animal hospital or clinic for treatment by a licensed veterinarian; or
      C.   Animals that may be kept in the city zoo or in Alexander Ramsey City Park.
   Subd. 3.   Animals in Transit. It is unlawful for any person to transport animals unless they are:
      A.   Confined within a vehicle, cage or other means of conveyance;
      B.   Animals being transported in a portion of the city zoned for agricultural purposes; or
      C.   Restrained by means of bridles, halters, ropes or other means of individual restraint.
   Subd. 4.   Treatment. It is unlawful for any person to treat any animal as herein defined, or any other animal, in a cruel or inhumane manner.
   Subd. 5.   Housing. It is unlawful for any person to keep any animal as herein defined, or any other animal, in any structure infested by rodents, vermin, flies or insects, or inadequate for protection against the elements.
   Subd. 6.   Trespasses. It is unlawful for any person to herd, drive or ride any animal over and upon any grass, turf, boulevard, city park, cemetery, garden or lot without specific permission therefor from the owner.
   Subd. 7.   Chickens. Chickens are allowed on any lot with a single family residence that is issued a permit to do so by the city. The provisions of this chapter are intended to regulate the keeping of chickens only. The keeping of any other types of poultry is prohibited.
      A.   General requirements.
         1.   No roosters are permitted. All chickens must be hens. If a permit holder inadvertently keeps a rooster, then that rooster must be removed within 24 hours of the date of discovery.
         2.   No more than six chickens may be kept at any one lot at any time.
         3.   Chicken food is to be kept in containers designed to prohibit access by rodents and other pests.
         4.   A run or exercise yard conforming to this section is required.
         5.   Chickens must not be kept in such a manner as to constitute a nuisance to the occupants of any adjacent property.
         6.   Dead chickens must be disposed of according to applicable law and must be removed as soon as possible after death but no later than 24 hours.
         7.   Chicken manure is to be contained in a weather and pest proof container and removed weekly or composted or used as fertilizer and incorporated into the soil. Chicken manure must not be allowed to accumulate in such a way as to cause any unsanitary condition or odors detectible on another property.
         8.   Chickens kept under this section may not be slaughtered within the city.
         9.   Chickens must be confined inside a coop or a fenced in run at all times and chickens may not be allowed to range freely.
      B.   Chicken permits.
         1.   A permit issued by the city is required to keep chickens.
         2.   The permit application fee shall be set by the City Council.
         3.   A permit is valid for three years from the date of issuance. The provisions of this section apply to an approved application for the same time period, at which time a new permit must be secured.
         4.   The application must specify the number of chickens anticipated.
         5.   A permit may only allow between one and six chickens.
         6.   Only one permit per lot. If a person wishes to keep chickens at multiple lots then that person must obtain a different permit for each lot.
         7.   A permit may only be issued if all of the owners of the adjacent property approve of the application by signing the application form. Adjoining property means all properties within 50 feet of the proposed location of the coop and run that the applicant is applying for a permit to keep chickens on.
         8.   If the applicant is living in a rental property, then the registered property owner must also sign and approve the application.
         9.   Permits are non-transferable and do not run with the property.
         10.   A permit constitutes a limited license granted to the chicken keeper by the city and in no way creates a vested zoning right.
         11.   Site plans and coop designs are to be included with the permit application.
      C.   As a condition of permit issuance, the applicant is authorizing the city to inspect the chickens and facility during normal City Hall business hours. Law enforcement is exempt from the normal business hours limitations.
      D.   Coop and run. Coops and runs must be constructed and maintained to meet the following minimum standards:
         1.   A separate coop is required to house the chickens. The coop may not be attached to or inside any other structure such as a home or garage;
         2.   Only one coop is permitted per lot;
         3.   The coop and run must be located in the rear yard of the property;
         4.   The coop must be setback at least five feet from the rear or side property lines but at no time shall be placed in a utility easement;
         5.   The coop must be fully enclosed;
         6.   The coop must have an attached run;
         7.   The maximum height shall not exceed six feet;
         8.   The maximum total square area of the coop and run shall not exceed 120 square feet. Chicken coops are not classified as an accessory structure under the requirements of the zoning ordinance;
         9.   Maximum coop size shall not exceed 24 square feet and must have at least four square feet per chicken;
         10.   The run size shall not exceed 96 square feet and must have at least ten square feet per chicken. The run must be fenced in on all sides and include a roof. The height of the run fence and roof must not exceed six feet;
         11.   The coop must be at least 24 inches off the ground or in the alternative the coop may be placed on a concrete pad;
         12.   The coop must have sufficiently sized windows to permit natural light inside. Windows must be able to be opened for ventilation. Sufficient ventilation and insulation is required;
         13.   Construction must be done in a workmanlike manner and with durable material. Coop building materials and exterior colors shall be similar to or compatible with the primary structure;
         14.   There must be sufficient moisture drainage to keep the coop well drained;
         15.   The coop must be rodent and predator proof. Any door or access point to the coop or run shall be able to be locked or otherwise secured;
         16.   Coop designs must meet basic humane needs of chickens including heat, cooling, food, water, and protection from the elements; and
         17.   The coop must be removed within 30 days if the permit is revoked or allowed to expire.
      E.   Violations.
         1.   Any person who commits, causes, permits, or allows a violation of the provisions of Subd. 7. shall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor punishable by a $25 fine. Each day during which a condition exists which is in violation of § 10.47 Subd. 7. shall be deemed to be a separate offense.
         2.   If a permit holder has two convictions under this Subd. 7. within any three year permit period then that permit shall be revoked. Upon revocation all chickens must be removed from the property within 48 hours.
(Ord. 54, Fourth Series, passed 12-6-2016; Ord. 56, Fourth Series, passed 3-7-2017)