Subd. 2. A person may hunt deer or wild turkeys using a firearm in a RR district only or a bow and arrow under all of the following circumstances;
A. The shooting occurs on property the person owns or on another person's property if the shooter has in his or her possession written permission of the property owner to engage in the activity;
B. The arrow does not travel beyond the boundaries of that property;
C. Unless otherwise specified by written permission of the property owner, any shooting must occur at least 300 feet from any building and from any land not owned by that landowner;
D. The person has in his or her possession a valid State of Minnesota Deer Archery or Turkey Season License;
E. A person hunting for deer must make use of a tree stand at least five feet from ground level unless a person engaged in hunting is physically unable. A person hunting for turkey must make use of a portable ground blind;
F. Bow fishing may be done within the city in accordance with the State of Minnesota fishing regulations, except that bow fishing will be prohibited in the following waters:
1. All of Ramsey Creek; and
2. Redwood River from TH 19 Bridge downstream ending 2,500 meandered feet downstream of the MSAS 118 "Swayback Bridge."
(Ord. 54, Fourth Series, passed 12-6-2016)