The provisions of sections 10.60.090 and 10.60.100 of this chapter shall not apply to the following vehicles:
   A.   Authorized emergency vehicles;
   B.   Vehicles operated upon parking lots or structures open to the public or private parking lots or structures and operated solely for ingress to and egress from such parking area and parking;
   C.   Vehicles operated upon property primarily used for motor vehicles retail or wholesale sales, service or repair, manufacture, or distribution, but operated in a manner not to be offensive and which shall not disturb the peace and quiet of the general neighborhood;
   D.   Vehicles generally used exclusively for commercial, industrial, or office purposes in a manner that shall not be offensive and shall not disturb the peace and quiet of the neighborhood;
   E.   Vehicles operated upon private roadways or easements necessary for ingress to or egress from property used for those purposes designated in subsections B, C, and D of this section, and for no other purpose;
   F.   Vehicles operated upon public streets and highways;
   G.   Vehicles operated on property actually used for residential purposes, where such motorcycles or motor driven cycles are on said property with the express or implied invitation of the owner or occupant and when such use is solely for ingress to and egress from said residential property. (Prior code § 68900)