A. The approval or conditional approval of a tentative map shall expire twenty four (24) months from its approval by either the planning commission or city council, whichever occurs last. However, if in connection with a tentative map for which the filing of multiple final maps is authorized, the subdivider is made subject to a requirement of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) or more to construct or improve or finance the construction or improvement of public improvements outside the boundaries of the tentative map, or if the tentative map is on property subject to a development agreement authorized by sections 65864 et seq., of the Government Code, then the expiration date shall be extended in accordance with section 66452.6(a) of the subdivision map act. An extension to the expiration date may also be approved as provided in section 17.07.120 of this chapter.
B. The period of time specified in subsection A of this section shall not include any period of time during which a lawsuit has been filed and is pending in a court of competent jurisdiction involving the approval or conditional approval of a tentative map only if a stay of the time period is approved by the planning commission. After service of the initial petition or complaint upon the city, the subdivider shall, in writing, to the community development director, request a stay in the time period of the tentative map. Within forty (40) days after receiving the request, the planning commission shall either stay the time period for up to five (5) years or deny the requested stay. The request for the stay shall be a hearing with notice to the subdivider and to the appellant, and upon conclusion of the hearing, the planning commission shall, within ten (10) days, render its decision. The subdivider or any interested person may appeal action of the planning commission on the stay to the city council within ten (10) days of such action in accordance with section 17.07.100 of this chapter.
C. The period of time specified in subsection A of this section shall not include any period of time during which a development moratorium is in effect according to section 66452.6 of the subdivision map act. (Ord. 2481 § 1, 2002)
A. Request By Subdivider: The subdivider may request an extension of the expiration date of the approved or conditionally approved tentative map by written application to the department. The application shall be filed not less than thirty (30) days before the map is to expire and shall state the reasons for requesting the extension.
B. Planning Commission Action: The department shall review the request and submit the application for the extension, together with a report, to the planning commission for approval, conditional approval or denial at the next regularly scheduled planning commission meeting. A copy of the department's report shall be forwarded to the subdivider prior to the planning commission meeting on the extension. In approving, conditionally approving or denying the request for extension, the planning commission shall make findings supporting its decision, including findings with respect to the potential impact of any increases in applicable development fees which have occurred since the date of the approval or conditional approval of the tentative map.
C. Time Limit Of Extensions: The time at which the tentative map expires may be extended by the planning commission for a period not exceeding a total of six (6) years.
D. Appeal Of Extension: The subdivider or any interested person adversely affected may appeal any action of the planning commission on the extension to the city council in accordance with section 17.07.100 of this chapter, except that any such appeal shall be filed within fifteen (15) days after the action by the planning commission. If the council does not act within the time limits set forth in section 17.07.100 of this chapter, the extension shall be deemed to have been approved or conditionally approved as approved by the planning commission, insofar as the tentative map complies with all other applicable provisions of the subdivision map act, this title, this code and the general plan. (Ord. 2744, 2014: Ord. 2481 § 1, 2002)
Minor amendments to the approved or conditionally approved tentative map or conditions of approval may be approved by the department upon application by the subdivider or on the department's own initiative, provided:
A. No lots, units or building sites or structures are added;
B. Changes are consistent with the intent and spirit of the original tentative map approval;
C. There are no resulting violations of the city's general plan, this code, the subdivision map act or CEQA.
The amendment shall be indicated on the approved or conditionally approved tentative map and certified by the community development director. Amendments to the tentative map conditions of approval which, in the opinion of the department, are not minor, shall be presented to the planning commission for its approval. Processing shall be in accordance with the provisions for processing a tentative map as set forth in this title. Any approved amendment shall not alter the expiration date of the tentative map. (Ord. 2481 § 1, 2002)