A. This Part is enacted:
(1) To control the erection, location and maintenance of outdoor signs in a manner designed to protect the public health, safety and morals, and to promote the public welfare.
(2) To promote economic development, but in a way that avoids conflicts between advertising signs themselves and between advertising signs and traffic-regulating devices.
(3) To provide equality in displaying identification signs by establishing regulations on size and location of such signs.
(4) To seek that official traffic-regulating devices be easily visible and free from such nearby visual obstructions as blinking signs and excessive number of signs, or signs in any way resembling official signs.
(5) To avoid uncontrolled erection and maintenance of large signs that could seriously detract from the enjoyment and pleasure of the natural scenic beauty and historic character of the City.
(6) To recognize that the ability of a community to attract and keep residents and desirable businesses and industries could be seriously impaired by the uncontrolled proliferation of signs.
B. Therefore, this Part is enacted to provide for fair and equal treatment of sign users. This Part shall apply to the design, quality of materials, construction, location, electrification, illumination and maintenance of all signs and sign structures located within the City. Within a Historic District, an additional approval may be required concerning the design of a sign.
C. Scope. This Part regulates outdoor signs located within a building, or signs that are arranged, intended or designed, used or placed for exterior observance.
A. Sign standards are based on the following concepts:
(1) The primary purpose of signs is to identify principal uses and/or services available at such premises.
(2) Uncontrolled use of signs interferes with this primary purpose of signs for identification.
(3) It is necessary to protect residential neighborhoods from the destruction of residential atmosphere that results from the glare and confusion that the uncontrolled proliferation of signs.
B. Only signs as prescribed herein shall be permitted to be erected or maintained on a lot located in the specified zoning district. Where a building, lot or parcel of land is bounded by two or more streets, the number of signs permitted on each street frontage shall be as established herein.
C. When a single business exists on lots separated by a street or a public alley, each lot shall be treated separately for sign purposes.
D. Permits. A zoning sign permit shall be required for any sign with a sign area of more than two square feet, except such limit shall be 10 square feet for a temporary sign that is posted less than 60 days per year and no permit is required for nonilluminated temporary signs placed inside a window.
E. PennDOT approval. Where a sign along a state road is required to have a PennDOT
approval, the applicant shall submit evidence of such approval to the Zoning Administrator.
In these districts, signs should be designed for pedestrians or for vehicles moving at 25 miles per hour. The following signs shall be permitted on properties located within areas designated as R-1A, R-1, R-2, and R-3 Districts, within the following regulations:
A. Lighting. See §§ 600-1714 and 600-912.
B. Allowed signs.
(1) Wall signs shall be located no higher than the height of the building wall to which the sign is attached. Maximum horizontal projection from a building for a wall sign shall not exceed 18 inches. A sign shall not be located as so to obscure the cornice, windows, transom or similar architectural features of the building.
(2) Roof signs and off-premises signs are prohibited in any residential district unless specified otherwise by this Part.
(3) Signs for a home occupation shall be limited to one non-internally illuminated name plate. Such name plate shall not exceed 1.5 square feet in surface area and shall be a flat wall sign. Home occupations, including offices, are permitted to erect a projecting sign or ground sign, not to exceed three square feet in total surface area, in lieu of a wall sign. A ground sign shall have a maximum height of six feet.
(4) Each multiple-family dwelling property containing 10 or more dwelling units (including rental, condominium or cooperative apartments, or rental, condominium or cooperative townhouses) shall be limited to one identification sign not exceeding 32 square feet in total surface area (per side if double-faced). Such sign shall be either ground-mounted, extending not more than eight feet above grade, or a flat wall sign.
(5) New development signs. The following signs shall be permitted in conjunction with proposed new development involving more than 10 dwelling units or more than five business establishments:
(a) Signs announcing the subdivision and improvement of property, when located on the property to be improved, shall be single-faced, with a maximum surface area for each sign of 64 square feet. The maximum height of such development signs shall be eight feet.
(b) Development signs shall not be erected until zoning approval and subdivision approval, if required, have been given by the City. Such signs may be maintained for a period of one year from the date of erection of such signs. If the development is not completed within one year after erection of the sign, the sign permit may be renewed for periods not exceeding one year, provided the sign is maintained in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(c) Signs not located on the advertised property, which are a maximum six square feet in area or less, may be allowed during construction and for a period of 30 days thereafter, upon application to the Zoning Administrator. Other off- premises advertising signs are prohibited.
C. Off-premises signs shall be prohibited in residential districts, except for signs that are specifically allowed by this Part 17.
D. Public, semipublic and private recreational uses shall be limited to one sign not exceeding 20 square feet in surface area per sign face. Such sign shall be either ground-mounted with up to two sides, to extend not more than six feet above grade, or a flat wall sign.
E. Lawful principal commercial, public utility or industrial use in a residential district shall be limited to one of the following:
(1) One wall sign not to exceed 32 square feet in surface area.
(2) One pole-mounted sign not to exceed 12 square feet in area (per side if double faced), contained totally within the property line, and placed no more than 10 feet above grade.
(3) One projecting sign not to exceed 12 square feet in area (per side if double faced), and placed no higher than the uppermost portion of the second floor of the building to which attached and which meets the minimum vertical clearance of Chapter 180, Construction Codes.
F. A lawful principal nonresidential use may also include directional signs of up to four square feet each, as required for the safe and orderly flow of traffic on the property. These signs, if freestanding, shall not extend more than four feet above grade.
G. If one or more retail stores are located in a building built for a principal industrial use, each such store may have, along each street upon which the building fronts, one identity sign which may be projecting, V-shaped, or a flat wall sign. Such sign may have no more than two faces and no single face may exceed 20 square feet in surface area, except for an overall identity sign described in the next subsection.
(1) There shall be no sign projecting above the second floor occupancy area as defined in § 600-2205. Below such point, signs may project in the following manner: A sign projection may occupy the vertical space created by drawing an imaginary line four feet from and parallel to the vertical building walls.
(2) If four or more stores occupy a single building, such building may contain one overall identity wall sign per street front, in addition to the individual identity signs just described. Each overall identity sign face shall not exceed 40 square feet in surface area.
H. Private parking lots shall have no signs except for directional signs, warning signs, and one identification sign not exceeding 12 square feet in surface area for each fronting street. Such sign shall be a wall sign or a ground-mounted sign not to extend into the public right- of-way.
I. Window identity signs are permitted in commercial storefronts located in all residential zones given the following conditions:
(1) Signs on show window glass shall be limited to 30% of the glass area, or 600 square inches, whichever is greater.
(2) Temporary signs on window glass (e.g., "sale") shall be limited to 35% of the glass area, or 700 square inches, whichever is greater, for a thirty-day maximum.
J. Each principal building of a college or university may have a wall sign area of 40 square feet per building side. A college or university may include the following ground-mounted signs with a maximum height of six feet each, provided the signs are not internally illuminated:
(1) One sign at each major entrance to the campus with a maximum sign area of 60 square feet on each of two sides.
(2) One sign of 20 square feet per street frontage for each principal building.
In the R-PO District, signs should be designed for pedestrians or for vehicles moving at 25 miles an hour. It is the intent that businesses in a residential area should be treated in a manner to make them as nearly compatible as possible with their surrounding residential environment.
A. General. Section 600-1703A and B(1) and (2) shall also apply to the R-PO District.
B. Signs.
(1) Permitted signs. Each principal nonresidential use is permitted one wall-mounted sign not to exceed eight square feet.
(2) Each principal nonresidential lot is allowed one freestanding sign. The total surface area for freestanding or ground-mounted signs shall not exceed 12 square feet on each of two sides.
(3) No signs shall extend into the public right-of-way. No sign shall exceed six feet in total height above grade level. All ground-mounted and freestanding signs are subject to landscape requirements as specified in § 600-1713B of this Part.
(4) Wall signs exceeding eight square feet, roof signs, marquee signs, projecting signs, off-premises signs, and portable signs are not permitted in the R-PO District.
(5) Signs allowed by § 600-1703 shall also be allowed in the R-PO District.
Sign heights, locations and dimensions are generally based on the visibility needs of pedestrians and of traffic moving at approximately 20 miles per hour.
A. Allowed signs.
(1) Sign surface area. The total surface area of all faces of all wall signs shall not exceed three square feet for each lineal foot of building wall to which the signs are attached. Maximum horizontal projection from a wall should not exceed 18 inches, except it may extend six feet if integrated with an awning. Signs shall not be located so as to obscure the windows, cornice, transom or other historic architectural features of the building.
(2) Projecting signs. One projecting sign is permitted on each separate street frontage of a lot, provided such signs shall not exceed the height of the attached building wall, and shall meet the minimum clearance above the adjacent sidewalk or grade line as provided in Chapter 180, Construction Codes. Signs shall have a total surface area not in excess of 24 square feet (per side if double-faced). Signs shall be configured to form an angle of 90° to the building face and projection from the building face shall be limited to six feet. No sign shall project within two feet of a street curbline or driveway.
(3) Marquee signs. Marquee signs are permitted for theaters, performing arts centers and hotels. The surface area of marquee signs shall be considered as part of the total allowable wall sign surface area. The marquee sign shall be located a minimum of two feet from a street curbline, provided a City encroachment permit is approved.
(4) Under-marquee signs. Under-marquee signs are permitted, provided such signs shall not project more than 12 inches below an allowed marquee, and shall not be less than the clearance above the sidewalk or grade line required by Chapter 180, Construction Codes. The surface area of under-marquee signs shall not be considered as part of the total allowable sign surface area.
(5) Ground-mounted and freestanding signs. In place of an allowed projecting sign, one ground-mounted or freestanding sign is permitted on each separate street frontage. Such signs shall have a surface area not in excess of one square foot per every lineal foot of property frontage, or a maximum of 36 square feet (per side if double-faced). Such sign shall not be higher than four feet from grade and may be located no closer than four feet from any property line and shall not be located within a street right-of- way.
(6) Window identity signs are permitted in commercial storefronts located in all Commercial Core and Commercial Residential zones given the following conditions: [Added 12-16-2013 by Ord. No. 83-2013]
(a) Signs on show window glass shall be limited to 30% of the glass area, or 600 square inches, whichever is greater.
(b) Temporary signs on window glass (e.g., "sale") shall be limited to 35% of the glass area, or 700 square inches, whichever is greater, for a thirty-day maximum.
B. Off-premises signs. Off-premises signs are not permitted, except for signs posted by the City of Reading or PennDOT within a street right-of-way.
C. In addition to other signs, one sandwich board sign shall be allowed for each lot occupied by a commercial use. Such sign shall not exceed two feet in width and four feet in height, shall not obstruct the main pedestrian pathway, and shall be moved inside when the business is not open.
D. See also additional signs allowed under § 600-1712, such as signs for places of worship.