The following types of signs, if not located within a street right-of-way, are allowed in addition to other allowed signs. Such signs shall not be illuminated:
A. Announcing signs. One sign announcing the names of architects, engineers, financing entities and/or contractors of a building under construction, alteration or repair, and signs announcing the character of the building, enterprise or the purpose for which the building is intended; provided such signs shall not exceed eight square feet of surface area for a one- or two-family dwelling and 32 square feet in surface area in other circumstances. Flat- wall signs or freestanding signs may have a maximum height of eight feet above grade. Such signs may have a maximum surface area of 64 square feet, if combined with the sign permitted in Subsection B hereof. Signs on show window glass shall be limited to 30% of the glass area.
B. Real estate signs and room and board signs. Signs not exceeding six square feet in surface area, advertising the sale, rental or lease of the premises on which displayed in the residential districts; 16 square feet in the C-N Districts; and 32 feet for the C-C, C-R, C-H, H-M, and M-C Districts. Such signs may be freestanding or wall-mounted, with a maximum height of eight feet above grade.
C. Political campaign signs. Signs or posters that each do not exceed 32 square feet in surface area, announcing candidates seeking political office or providing an opinion on a political matter, may be erected. Political campaign signs do not need a zoning permit if they are less than 32 square feet in sign area. Such signs shall be removed within two weeks after the election for the office sought. Such signs shall:
(1) Be wall-mounted or freestanding.
(2) Not be located within any public area, public park or street right-of-way, except as allowed outside a polling place on election day.
(3) Not be affixed in any manner to any tree. See also Chapter 485, Part 1, Political Campaign Matter.
D. Directional signs. Up to three signs may direct persons to a real estate open house auction, and similar temporary occasions, not exceeding six square feet in surface area. Such signs shall not be posted more than 10 days per year, and shall be removed within one day after the event.