1472.01 Findings of fact
1472.02 Statement of purpose
1472.03 Methods of reducing flood losses
1472.04 Definitions
1472.05 Lands to which this chapter applies
1472.06 Basis for establishing the areas of special flood hazard
1472.07 Compliance
1472.08 Abrogation and greater restrictions
1472.09 Interpretation
1472.10 Warning and disclaimer of liability
1472.11 Establishment of development permit
1472.12 Exemption from filing a development permit
1472.13 Designation of the Flood Damage Prevention Administrator
1472.14 Duties and responsibilities of the Safety-Service Director
1472.15 Variance procedure
1472.16 General standards for flood hazard reduction
1472.17 Specific standards
1472.18 Floodways
1472.99 Violations and penalties
Altering, polluting and diverting watercourses, see § 660.04
Statutory reference:
Flood control by soil conservation district supervisors, see Ohio R.C. 1515.08
Flood insurance, see Ohio R.C. 3925.34(C)
Water supply, sanitation, ditches, see Ohio R.C. Title 61