The purpose of the Heavy Industrial "HI" District is to provide places for business and industries which provide products for other businesses and industries; and which, because of outdoor operations or because of their size, noise, dirt, dust, vibration, odor, or traffic should be separated from residences and from persons working in other business and industrial districts.
(Ord. 2003-51, passed 5-20-03)
The following uses shall be permitted as of right:
(A) Heavy manufacturing.
(B) Light manufacturing.
(C) Research and development laboratories.
(D) Storage warehouse.
(E) Recycling station for aluminum products.
(F) Automobile filling station.
(G) Automobile repair garage; excluding body shops.
(H) Automobile repair garage; including body and paint shops.
(I) Public utility garages and service yards.
(J) Self-storage warehouse.
(K) Wholesale distributing.
(L) Suburban farm; located on lots larger than one acre.
(Ord. 2003-51, passed 5-20-03)