Editor's note:
Ordinance 84-36, passed August 7, 1984, adopted Water Department Rules and Regulations. Copies of such Ordinance and of the Rules and Regulations may be obtained, at cost, at the City Hall.
There are no sections in Chapter 238. This chapter has been established to provide a place for cross-references, statutory references and any future legislation.
Water pollution, see § 660.04
Water generally, see Ch. 1040
Statutory reference:
Appropriation of property for water system, see Ohio R.C. 719.01(M)
Gas, water and electric regulations, see Ohio R.C. 743.26 et seq.
Powers of municipalities as to water, see Ohio R.C. 715.08 and 715.34
Water pollution, see Ohio R.C. 743.25
Water works, see Ohio R.C. 743.01 et seq.