The following special uses are subject to approval as provided for in Chapter 1288:
(a) Bed and breakfast inn;
(b) Boat cradle/boat trailer storage/boat rack storage, rental sites (enclosed);
(c) Community building and recreational field, community swimming pool, and community facility privately owned and operated;
(d) Dwelling, multiple-family, including condominium;
(e) Dormitory;
(f) Motor vehicle storage (enclosed, five or more);
(g) Museum.
(Ord. 1010-11. Passed 4-11-11; Ord. 1184-18. Passed 6-13-18.)
Off-street parking shall be provided as required by Chapter 1284.
(Ord. 639-95. Passed 8-10-95; Ord. 1010-11. Passed 4-11-11.)
Buildings used exclusively or partly for dwelling purposes shall comply with the lot dimension requirements of the R-2 Residential District. Buildings used for other permitted uses shall have a minimum lot width of fifty feet and a minimum lot depth of 100 feet. However, each lot shall have a minimum area of not less than 5,000 square feet. A lot of less area or width, which was so recorded at the time of the adoption of the zoning code or any subsequent amendments thereto, may be occupied by any permitted use in this chapter if the owner thereof owns no adjoining land. Measurements shall be made to the street right-of-way line.
(Ord. 639-95. Passed 8-10-95; Ord. 1010-11. Passed 4-11-11.)
(b) Side Yard. There shall be a side yard of not less than fifteen feet.
(c) Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard of not less than twenty-five feet.
(Ord. 639-95. Passed 8-10-95; Ord. 1010-11. Passed 4-11-11.)
Buildings used exclusively or partly for dwelling purposes shall comply with the floor area requirements of the R-2 Residential District. The dwelling size and foundation shall be as specified in Section 1292.07.
(Ord. 639-95. Passed 8-10-95; Ord. 1010-11. Passed 4-11-11.)
Screening or buffering in compliance with the provisions of this section shall be provided in the side and rear yard for any non-residential building or use which abuts any residential district. Such screening shall be a masonry wall or solid fence between four and seven feet in height maintained in good condition and free of all advertising or other signs. Landscaping provided in lieu of such wall or fence shall consist of a strip of land not less than fifteen feet in width planted with an evergreen hedge or dense planting of evergreen shrubs not less than four feet in height at the time of planting. Neither type of screening shall obscure traffic visibility as required by Section 1292.05. The screening requirement may be waived if both the applicant and the adjacent property owner or owners agree in writing and the signed waiver is provided to the Zoning Inspector for his/her file.
(Ord. 639-95. Passed 8-10-95; Ord. 1010-11. Passed 4-11-11.)