101.01 Designation; citation; headings.
101.02 General definitions.
101.03 Rules of construction.
101.04 Repeal of repealing act; effect of repeal.
101.05 Construction of section references.
101.06 Acts by agent or deputy.
101.07 Conflicting provisions.
101.08 Separability.
101.09 Code enforcement; inspections.
101.10 Authority of deputies, assistants and acting officers and employees.
101.11 Administration of oaths.
101.99 General penalty.
See sectional histories for similar State law
Maximum penalty permitted - see W. Va. Code 8-11-1, 8-12-5(57)
Authority to impose penalties - see W. Va. Code 8-11-1, 8-12-2(11)
Codification of ordinances - see W. Va. Code 8-11-4(b)
(a) All ordinances of a permanent and general nature of the Municipality as revised, recodified, rearranged, renumbered and consolidated into component codes, chapters, articles and sections shall be known and designated as the Codified Ordinances of Princeton, West Virginia, 2003, for which designation "Codified Ordinances" may be substituted. Code, chapter, article and section headings do not constitute any part of the law as contained in the Codified Ordinances.
(b) All references to codes, chapters, articles and sections are to such components of the Codified Ordinances unless otherwise specified. Any component code may be referred to and cited by its name, such as the "Traffic Code". Sections may be referred to and cited by the designation "Section" followed by the number, such as "Section 101.01".
As used in the Codified Ordinances, unless otherwise expressly provided or the context otherwise requires:
(a) Council means the legislative authority of the Municipality.
(b) County means Mercer County, West Virginia.
(c) Land or lands and real estate or real property include lands, tenements and hereditaments, and all rights thereto and interests therein except chattel interests.
(d) Laws of the State includes the Constitution of the State and the Constitution of the United States, and treaties and laws made in pursuance thereof.
(WVaC 2-2-10)
(e) Municipality or City means the City of Princeton, West Virginia.
(f) Offense includes every act or omission for which a fine, forfeiture or punishment is imposed by law. (WVaC 2-2-10)
(g) Owner, when applied to property, includes any part owner, joint owner or tenant in common of the whole or part of such property.
(h) Person or whoever includes corporations, societies, associations and partnerships.
(i) Personal estate or personal property includes goods, chattels, real and personal, money, credits, investments and the evidences thereof.
(j) Preceding, succeeding or following used in reference to any section or sections of an article means next preceding, next succeeding or next following that in which such reference is made. (WVaC 2-2-10)
(k) Premises, as applied to property, includes land and building.
(l) Property or estate embraces both real and personal estate. (WVaC 2-2-10)
(m) Public place includes any street, sidewalk, park, cemetery, school yard, body of water or watercourse, public conveyance or any other place for the sale of merchandise, public accommodation or amusement.
(n) Registered mail includes certified mail.
(o) State means the State of West Virginia or any department, division, commission, board, educational or other institution of the State.
(p) Street includes alleys, avenues, boulevards, lanes, roads, highways, viaducts and all other public thoroughfares within the Municipality.
(q) Tenant or occupant, as applied to premises, includes any person holding a written or oral lease, or who actually occupies the whole or any part of such premises alone or with others.
(r) Written or in writing includes any representation of words, letters or figures, whether by printing, engraving, writing or otherwise. But when the signature of any person is required, it must be in his own proper handwriting, or his mark, attested, proved or acknowledged.
(WVaC 2-2-10)