General Provisions
92.01 Assessable current services
92.02 Tree diseases
92.15 Public nuisance
92.16 Public nuisances affecting health
92.17 Public nuisances affecting morals and decency
92.18 Public nuisances affecting peace and safety
92.19 Duties of city officers
92.20 Abatement
92.21 Recovery of cost
Noxious Weed and Plant Control
92.35 Short title
92.36 Jurisdiction
92.37 Definitions; exclusions
92.38 Lawn establishment
92.39 Native grasses or gardens
92.40 Woodland preserve or restoration
92.41 Turfgrass maintenance
92.42 Trimming plants at intersections
92.43 Owners’ responsibilities for removal and disposal of noxious weeds and vegetation
92.44 Filing complaint
92.45 Notice of violations; procedures
92.46 Response by property owner; procedure and abatement
92.47 Appeal to district court
92.48 Liability
Open Burning
92.60 Definitions
92.61 Prohibited materials
92.62 Permit required for open burning
92.63 Purposes allowed for open burning
92.64 Permit application for open burning; permit fees
92.65 Permit process for open burning
92.66 Permit holder responsibility
92.67 Revocation of open burning permit
92.68 Denial of open burning permit
92.69 Burning ban or air quality alert
92.70 Rules and laws adopted by reference
Application of Lawn and Garden Pesticides within the City
92.85 Scope
92.86 Definitions
92.87 Operating permit
92.88 Safety
92.89 Customer notification
92.90 Application posting
92.91 Penalty
Outdoor Wood Burning Furnaces
92.100 Intent and purpose
92.101 Definition
92.102 Regulation of outdoor wood burning furnaces
92.103 Nonconforming use