(A)   All commercial applicators who apply lawn herbicides or lawn pesticides outdoors are required to attach or affix warning markers on the street frontage of the property so treated. The warning markers must be a minimum of 18 inches above the top of the grass line or grade line, whichever is higher. The markers shall also be posted on the lawn or yard no closer than two feet from the sidewalk or right-of- way and no further than five feet from the sidewalk or right-of-way. The markers shall be posted for a minimum or 24 hours after the application.
   (B)   The warning markers must be a rain resistant material and shall provide the following information:
      (1)   The name of the company applying the herbicide or, if not a company, the name of the person having done the application; and
      (2)   The following language: “This lawn chemically treated on (date). Please stay off lawn for 24 hours,” or a universally accepted symbol which is recognized as having the same meaning or intent.
(Ord. 237, passed 5-21-2001)