A.   Angle: Streets shall be laid out to intersect at right angles and may be curved, if necessary, in order to make this possible. In no event shall a street intersect any other street at any angle of less than seventy five degrees (75°).
   B.   Residential Streets: Street corners on local residential streets shall have a minimum radius of twenty feet (20') at the curb line, or its equivalent.
   C.   Commercial And Industrial Streets: Street corners on commercial and industrial streets shall have a minimum radius of twenty six feet (26') at the curb line, or its equivalent.
   D.   Major Thoroughfares: Street intersections involving major thoroughfares shall have a minimum street corner radius of thirty feet (30') at the curb line, or its equivalent.
   E.   Radii Shown On Plats: All street corner radii shall be shown on the preliminary and final plats.
   F.   Clear Vision: A twenty five foot (25') area of clear vision at street intersections in subdivisions shall be provided. This area shall be kept clear of all structures and vegetation exceeding a height of three feet (3') above the established city street elevation. (1990 Code § 12-417)