A.   Authority To Determine: The state department of highways, as regards state and federal highways, and the mayor as regards all other streets, are hereby authorized to determine those portions of any highway where overtaking and passing to the left would be especially hazardous, and may, by appropriate signs or markings on the roadway, indicate the beginning and end of such zones. When such signs or markings are in place and clearly visible to an ordinarily observant person, every driver shall obey the directions thereof. (1990 Code § 15-509; amd. 2004 Code)
   B.   Compliance Required: Where signs or markings are in place to define a no passing zone as set forth in subsection A of this section, no driver shall at any time drive to the left side of the roadway within the no passing zone or on the left side of any pavement striping designed to mark the no passing zone throughout its length. (1990 Code § 15-509)